So, I have the vague idea that it's the done thing to assemble a ship manifesto, before one embarks upon the vessel in question? And I am nothing if not a keen adherent of The Done Thing.
As such, I present you the following evidence of that tantalising luxury cruiser that is Ramin Karimloo and Will Swenson:(
warning, cruiser-sized )
I knew the 54 Below bits because I'd seen them on Tumblr before, but I hadn't seen anything from their Les Mis run so far, so the Valjean/Javert video made me happy. It also made me remember just how amazing - and inappropriately hot - Ramin's Valjean was. (Get your ass back to the West End, man!)
It's funny because I remember that very same scene with Hadley's Javert and how terribly amused I was when Ramin's Valjean got very up-close-and-personal with him and a lot more handsy than I remember from previous Les Mis casts.
It's from Ramin and Will's Confrontation fight call (in suits, as you do). There is a gif of it somewhere, but for the love of God I cannot find it now :( I am going to go stalk the pit of hell that is tumblr until I do...
However, while I was stalking tumblr I found this pic of Hadley and Tom Hiddleston kissing! From last year's Coriolanus.
( ... )
Coriolanus was a slashy thing of beauty. ♥ The kiss was only the tip of the ice berg. I didn't see it on stage, but I caught the live screening in a movie theatre and it was just glorious.
Hadley's beard made my mind drop deep, deep down into the gutter. I'm pretty sure there's a download for it somewhere, so if you see it, have a look!
Um. About the icon - I know this is silly, but I'm terribly OCD about icons and never use sharable ones. (That's why I basically make them all myself, or ones made specially for me by friends.) I'd offer to make you one but I won't be back on a proper computer with photoshop for a few weeks, so if you could wait that long... :)
Um. *facepalm*
We're all being a little crazy occasionally, right? *shifty look* (I make excellent first impressions, don't i? I swear, I'm generally less of a weirdo.)
It was really sweet of you to offer to make me an icon! There, that was a lovely first impression :)
You watched Coriolanus? Now that is something I want to see, just to watch Hads and Hiddles do their thing. The beard is seriously messing with me, and ... and I might actually need to go make Part 2 of this damn porn battle fic so I can have Ramin all amused and sort of jealous. RPF, you are an unending circle of hell.
I will find you that stupid vid of the besuited fight call if it is the last thing I do +glares at tumblr+
and I might actually need to go make Part 2 of this damn porn battle fic so I can have Ramin all amused and sort of jealous. RPF, you are an unending circle of hell.
Now, that does sound like a brilliant idea. Hell, heaven, same thing. :p
Don't get me started on X-Men. I used to love the comics and the animated series, and I was so excited when they started the movie adaptations. But then somewhere between X2 and Last Stand, the quality took a dive and they didn't even bother to keep the continuity going anymore, and by now I'm so disgusted with the franchise that I can't even look at it anymore. Weirdly enough, I think I'm the only person who likes the first Wolverine movie (though mostly for Liev Schreiber's Sabretooth). I'm just waiting for someone to do a proper reboot and fix things ( ... )
Hadley is a sweetheart: the more I learn about him, the more I fall in love. And he was the aggressor in Coriolanus, so it might stand to reason that he'd be the pursuer, in the him/Tom dynamic! Tom seems really sweet and shy and intellectual, somehow, though nobody could resist Hadley's charms, imo.
And of course Ramin would read the reviews and CALL HIS MAN. To find out what was up with him, of course.
... if you are going to enable this, you might as well help me ;)
Yeah, no, dw hates that tumblr code. Nvmind, am leaving it there in case it helps you?
hope you have good travels, and get home safe!
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