So, I have the vague idea that it's the done thing to assemble a ship manifesto, before one embarks upon the vessel in question? And I am nothing if not a keen adherent of The Done Thing.
As such, I present you the following evidence of that tantalising luxury cruiser that is Ramin Karimloo and Will Swenson:(
warning, cruiser-sized )
hey, bb! i know it's been ages! How've you been - how is the family; which fandoms keep you engaged now, are you still writing?
I fell off the fandom radar a while back; had a couple of unsettled/stressful years at work, and, you know, I'd felt written out. I'm back, though! and it would appear my well is slowly filling again, albeit for a different fandom! come stalk my AO3 (where I'm jehane18), if you were so inclined ;)
do you still see maerhys? Please send her my best, if you do. I hope she's well ♥
Thank you for stopping by, sweetness! I promise to be more active from here on in! if you tumblr, come follow me: iberiandoctor.
I am still writing, but it has slowed down over the years because my muse sucks. When I write, my main fandom is Teen Wolf, with some Clint/Coulson thrown in for good measure, and a bunch of small fandoms. (I haven't written any Steve/Bucky, but I love to read it. I can't wait for Civil War!!) I spend a lot of my time moderating my small fandom communities, and talking about tv.
Mae is still around, a little bit. Sadly, not enough. *g*
I am on Tumblr (spikedluv there, too), but mostly for the Teen Wolf meta (though not so much lately) and the Steve/Bucky pretty.
you must tell me about small fandombang, I'm not sure I know much about it, and what qualifies, and i should! i will be there for Bucky/Steve, though ;)
please send mae my love, and tell her she's missed <3
I hadn't heard of that small fandom flash fiction. Glad you mentioned it here :D No more than 7K fics to qualify? Does this mean K (anime & manga) qualifies? It was denied for smallfandombang. I need to check out smallfandomflsh (erm, as soon as I'm done editing my small fandom bang entries :D).
It looks like that would qualify! There's no qualifying list for the flashfic comm like there is for the fest/bang, it's mostly honor system.
Yes, check it out, please! There's not nearly enough posting going on there! And there's a lot of past challenges you can check out. I've also created a mirror comm on DW for it (as I have with the fest, bang and nb comms).
And, I'm back, having stalked through all your Grace & Frankie links. How lovely is that? I'm hooked!
I am totally not judging your "Make Me A Supermodel RPF". I just hope said supermodel was extremely hot ;)
Sadly, there is very little fic, but that one in particular I linked to is really good.
(This icon is also of Sol and Robert and I just *clutches heart* They're holding hands! *sighs*)
(I wouldn't say ~extremely hot, but it was a case of a gay boy rooming with a straight boy and the straight boy not being afraid of getting a little touchy feely. A few of us ran with that. *g*)
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