Lennon was a complete bastard.

Nov 15, 2009 16:00

From the Have Your Say on "What does faith mean to you?"

"No wars have been started in the name of atheism" Really. Try telling that to the millions killed by Stallin. The millions killed in the boxer rebelllion in China-By an Atheistic government.Paul Pot, Lennon...the list goes on. Christianity is evidence based folks. I dare you to look for yourself, instead of copying what everyone else is saying.Science came from theism-men driven to know more about their God. "Condemnation before investigation is ignorance" (Einstein). Ignorance-intolerance.

Damn that Paul Pot. And Lennon: what a complete bastard!

Ignoring the hilarious ignorance for a second, this is something that gets brought up a lot, as a reason for why atheism is evil. Hitler usually also gets lumped in with this bunch as well, despite the fact that Nazi soldiers wore "Gott mitt uns" on their belt buckle.

The simple response to this argument (when slightly better formed), is that most such atrocities have been committed by Communist (the standard bastard implementation, rather than the idealised one) governments, which happen to be atheistic. I've always thought that Communism tends to atheism simply to have complete control: if the people are allowed to keep their religion then they have two sources of power telling them how to behave, rather than just one, resulting in conflict.

I, personally, would really hate to live in a country where religion was outlawed: freedom of (and from) religion is very, very important. People should always be allowed to believe what they want, and other people should always be allowed to criticise them for it. If I suddenly became leader of a country, the worst I may do is remove the tax-free status of religions, except for activities which genuinely involve helping people rather than just proselytising.
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