Oops! I missed another day, yesterday. That said, I'm not sure more than one or two people are reading these anyway, so it's probably okay.
You know the drill. Here's the recap of the days:
1. Something old
2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of
And we're at #5, something for a large fandom/pairing/character. Although I've written a handful of things in some other fandoms, I'm pretty much just in White Collar fandom these days, so I'll go with a Peter/Neal/Elizabeth OT3 story I wrote for the 2nd round of the terrific
wcpairings exchange. Have some schmoopy, domestic H/C, with Peter & Neal dealing with some of their issues and El helping them figure it out. The story is "Learning How To Bend," and it can be found