Nov 20, 2008 21:40
So, it's true. Pushing Daisies is now officially pushing daisies. I guess us, the fans, knew this was coming. But by pie, why now? Why? Why can't a network keep a good show and let it run? All the shows now are pretty much crap. I don't understand why ABC will let a good show like this just be let go. It's absurd! I'm just so pissed. AND! They canceled Eli Stone! That was a fairly decent show as well. I only have another thing to say, I swear. The only reason Pushing Daisies and Eli Stone have not been getting good ratings is the fact that you never ever see advertising for it. I have never seen an ad for either of those shows on ABC. It's just ridiculous. If you're going to try to save a show, RUN SOME DAMN ADS! D:< Not run some goddamn ads about doctors who can't do shit, who steal from the hospital, and have "ravishing" sex all around up and down.
But no! No effort is made and the line is cut, and the fans who have stayed loyal to the show have been crushed and mourning over the loss of a magical show. I just have no words, I think I'm going to boycott ABC for awhile. Then maybe bake some pies. D: