no from irvine

Feb 21, 2008 12:12

so, surprisingly enough, I checked email just now to find a note from the department chair at UC irvine, saying that they had offered the job to somebody else. My visit had gone really well, and I am going to comfort myself (insofar as I need comforting) with the thought that they probably didn't think I'd come; I hadn't gone the "i'm so desperate to leave Small Town" route as much as I might have, thinking that I would want to negotiate for salary in order to survive life in the OC... anyway, they voted also that if their #1 choice says no, they should offer it to me next, scant comfort (but, again, I have always been ambivalent about the job, although wanting the offer, of course) but something that could rear up and happen and change things at some future point. As for now, I get to turn my attention to -- of all odd tasks -- starting to shop for a house, since my evil, evil, evil landlord demanded that I give notice for a move-out in August by January 15th and I decided that I'd either get a job and leave Small Town OR, by hook or by crook, by a little house by the end of the summer. Gosh, life is exciting. You wouldn't even know that all I *really* care about is that my father is gone...
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