I got the Sims 3 the other day, it's really cool :) I love playing as characters and I've made some special people, me and my beloved are on it <3 I recommend it to anyone, it's very fun :)
I got the Sims 3 last Tuesday, I adore it :D Makes a nice change from the barrage of "here's a gun, now shoot something" games (which I'm not a fan of, I prefer fantasy games like WoW and historical style games like Assassin's Creed :P)
I like Assassin's Creed and role playing games like Obilivion :) I do like FPS though as I enjoy blasting stuff up now and again lol. Sims takes more brains than anything and it quite a rewarding game :)
Admittedly one of the reasons I don't like FPS is I seriously suck at them lol I never last more than five minutes it's amazing XD
The Sims is really quite rewarding, and I think they really improved on a lot of things in this new one, I've definitely seen a noticeable improvement on the AI, and I adore Create-A-Style, I have a flower print car lol
I've not used the Create a Style part yet but I will figure it out in time. I kept getting messages about my rooms not being finished lol so I had to put more wallpaper on the walls lol.
I never used to build my own houses but I figure I may try it out in this one, I am more the interior designer type lol
Create-A-Style is great once you get the hang of it and it makes it really easy to coordinate stuff.... one of my Sims has an entirely beige and chrome kitchen lol
Oh also did you see they are doing a sequel to Assassin's Creed? They have only released a teaser trailer I think but it looks to be set in the time of Da Vinci.
Yes they are in the middle of making Assassin's Creed II at the moment. It's set in the reneissance and looks amazing :) The new character is called Enzio instead of Altair and you get to fly DaVinci's flying machine I've heard XD
I got the Sims 3 last Tuesday, I adore it :D Makes a nice change from the barrage of "here's a gun, now shoot something" games (which I'm not a fan of, I prefer fantasy games like WoW and historical style games like Assassin's Creed :P)
Admittedly one of the reasons I don't like FPS is I seriously suck at them lol I never last more than five minutes it's amazing XD
The Sims is really quite rewarding, and I think they really improved on a lot of things in this new one, I've definitely seen a noticeable improvement on the AI, and I adore Create-A-Style, I have a flower print car lol
I've not used the Create a Style part yet but I will figure it out in time. I kept getting messages about my rooms not being finished lol so I had to put more wallpaper on the walls lol.
Create-A-Style is great once you get the hang of it and it makes it really easy to coordinate stuff.... one of my Sims has an entirely beige and chrome kitchen lol
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