
Dec 30, 2006 18:22

Character: Kurosaki Isshin
Series: Bleach (manga)
Character Age: Legally and physically early to mid-40s, but actually much older
Job: Official Multi-Purpose Father Stand-In
Canon: Once upon a time Isshin married a woman who was more interested in his personality than his rugged manly good looks and that whole "doctor" thing. She was the most perfect wife and mother in the history of ever and they loved each other very much, so even though she's been dead six years now he feels completely justified in refusing to move on. His gigantic poster of her might be a bit much, but it drives his kids nuts so he keeps it prominently displayed.

These days Isshin concerns himself with providing for his three beloved children, caring for the people of Karakura via his cozy little clinic, keeping his son both in line and on his toes via unprovoked sneak attacks, calling in favors at the hospital from his old buddy Ishida, and generally going overboard in his unending quest to hide his utter coolness. Smoking? He's down to one cigarette a year as a romantic gesture to his darling Masaki. Having a serious moment? Watch out for knees aimed at your kidneys. All his sparkly love is an excellent way to (put your spoiler goggles on!) keep anyone from suspecting that wow, what do you know, Isshin used to be a shinigami too!

Sample Post: Greetings, inhabitants of this lovely and practical-looking swamp! I have come to take my beloved only son, Kurosaki Ichigo, home to his adoring sisters! Could one of you go find him? Great!

While we wait for my son to arrive, I would like to take the time to combine my knowledge as a doctor and my experience as the world's most devoted father to properly address a matter which was mentioned by a gorilla who seemed very intent on using me as one of those creepy talking teddy bears during the flight over: the lack of parental supervision. So many of you are at an age when adult guidance is more important than ever, and yet you are stranded here without trusted parents! Who can you turn to when the inevitable heartbreak of that first summer love's end approaches? Who can you rely on to tell you the beautiful physiological truth of what happens when Mommy and Daddy decide they want to give you siblings to treasure? Who helps put the band-aids on when you fall out of the panty tree? Who defends your honor when even you don't care about it?

For this reason, I plan to act with your best interests in mind, my children! Help me get fired and the Kurosaki Clinic can be your new home with me as your kind and always understanding father! Space will be tight until renovations can be made, of course, but think of the experience! It's not for everyone--in my household you're expected to block first and answer questions later, and--ICHIGO! HOW DARE YOU MAKE YOUR FATHER WAIT WHEN HE ACCEPTED THIS JOB ON FOREIGN SOIL FOR NO PURPOSE BUT TO SEE YOUR ETERNALLY SCOWLING FACE? DON'T GIVE ME ANY OF YOUR EXCUSES, ZOMBIES ARE TOO SLOW TO POSE A HINDRANCE TO THE FRUIT OF MY LOINS! NOW GET OVER HERE, SIT DOWN AND SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR YOUR NEW SIBLINGS!

What was I saying? Ah, yes, my rules are the height of delinquency prevention, but the meals are delicious and, as you can see from that very affectionate glare my son is giving me, the love is palpable. Come on and palpate the love, kids, it's squishy!

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owls oppose cheese, important character stuff

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