Aug 21, 2008 00:11

So, if you know me, which you all do, you know that I like the funnybooks. They are, how you say, what I live and breathe.

One of my favorite comics creators is a writer by the name of Benito Cereno. This is a man of great wit and wild ideas. My first experience with Benito's writing was on a book called "Tales from the Bully Pulpit" which is about Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Edison defeating Hitler. Really.

(Actually, to be fair, what really made me a fan almost more than the book itself was the annotations to the book that appeared as an article on Newsarama. You can still find them at if you want to have the whole story spoiled but also learn some fun facts about Benjamin Franklin!)

Unfortunately, copies of Bully Pulpit are nearly impossible to come by these days, and you damn sure aren't getting mine. But, luckily, Benito has another semi-ongoing concern for Image Comics known as Hector Plasm. Hector is a young man who deals with matters ghostly and strange, and he uses powers divined from the four bodily humours to take care of business.

"Why is he telling us all this? When is he going to get to the free comics?" I hear you out there asking these questions. Here is your answer.

There is a new Hector Plasm special coming out this year right around Halloween. I am trying my best with the limited forum at my disposal to drum up interest and produce new converts to the church of Benito in preparation for this event. To that end, I have purchased from Diamond TEN copies of the previous Hector special, "Hector Plasm: De Mortuis," and am offering them for zero dollars and zero cents to anybody who cares to take a gander. I will mail it directly to you, you do not even need to go to a comic store, you lazy bastard. Just tell me what your address is.

But, Jim, I am not a comics person, I hear you saying. Well, I say that doesn't matter. This is a comic that is written to be read by everyone. You do not need to have a PhD in X-Men lore to understand and enjoy what's going on here. And even if you're so much "not a comics person" that you wouldn't want to sully yourself with even trying to read it, chances are you might know someone else who would. In which case, tell me their address. I don't care. I'll send these things anywhere.

So, any takers?
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