Emma Lee
I cannot believe them. I really can’t believe them. Any of them.
What’s not to believe about us?
You’re such gits! How could you?
What did we do?
You have to ask? I haven’t been raving enough about it?
What did we do?
You got effing engaged! You know I wanted to do the bed thing before anything really happened!
He’s the one who asked!
You didn’t have to say yes! You could have waited until afterwards!
*blushes* I didn’t want to!
*sighs* You guys are idiots!
Thank you for bringing Zuko! *hugs Zuko*
*hugs her back, kisses her*
I love Theta!
*grabs her, pulls her close, snogs the hell out of her*
*pulls away dizzily* That’s why I love him!
You’re incorrigible. You know that, right?
You know, I haven’t seen Ju-Ju or Tak in a while. Have any of you seen either of them?
Oh you do not want to know where they’ve gone.
Enough said.
Possibly too much said.
I agree.
Shut up. You’re as bad as they are!
No we’re not!
At least we come out!
*mutters* From time to time.
Where’s Four?
From who?
My parents.
*snickers* What’d they do?
*glowers at him* None of your business!
I cannot belive that man!
Who? Four?
No, Even!
He’s a git.
*Even* Oi! I resent that!
Shut up. You have no right to resent that!
The two of you just walked out!
We were going back to what we were doing before we decided to get married!
If it has anything, even remotely, to do with the “Private Room”…!
We were going to the 18th century, like he told you!
And we were going to have fun!
But then the two of you decided to get angsty, and before I knew what was happening, he had proposed, and she had agreed!
So you could have stopped this?
I just said they did it before I had realized what they were doing!
How the hell did that happen? You’re the writer!
And you know how opinionated you Muses can be! *turns to Rose and Ten* Gits.
What’d we do?
They’re mad at me and it’s your fault!
How is it our fault?
Can you just stop, please? I’m thinking!
*jumps at a chance to get out of the argument* What about?
*faint* Ah-ha! So you do care!
No, I’m just trying to decide what to do to you next.
You know, I’m writing a side story about the two of you on the first day of traveling.
Really? Oooo, goody! Get writing!
Oi! I don’t take orders from my Muses!
Yes you do. Whenever we tell you something we want, and we say it forcefully, and you go along with it, you’re taking orders from us!
Shut up and stop being technical!
You, my friend, haven’t been showing up recently. Where did you go?
Like you could tell me.
*barks, climbs into my lap*
*stick head out of Muse Box* Oi! That’s my spot!
Two things, Four. One, he’s a dog, and two, when do you sit in my lap? It’s more like I sit in your lap!
*snorts with laughter* I didn’t know you could do that!
Well, obviously, I can, so shut it, Donna!
Don’t be such a git!
*sticks tongue out at her*
Stop being such a child.
I’ll be a child if and when I want to!
You’re all annoying. *shoves them back in the Box* Ah, peace.