Wrong in so many ways...

May 23, 2008 11:20

You non-Chicagoans may not realize how seriously endemic corruption is there.

Corruption: let me show you it

The Sun-Times reports that, as his REASON for breaking the law to keep his personal firearms registered per Chicago ordinance, Alderman Mell, "said he delegated the responsibility to a staff member, who apparently dropped the ball."


Yes, that's right. Mell's excuse for breaking the law is that he tried to illegally use a public-paid underling to take care of personal business, but that the underling failed to do it. Bad underling!

His excuse is that the public resource he embezzled to do his personal work proved insufficient?!

Only in Chicago would a politician refer to his embezzling of public resources as part of his excuse for breaking another law. Moreover, only in Chicago (or another third world city-state) would this laying of blame on a staffer for not doing a little payola work outside his job description go without criticism.

You betcha.

Even if the "staffer" is privately paid by Mell, I don't know who else would get away with "Oh, my maid forgot to register my car, officer!"  Privilege.  Corruption.

This point doesn't even touch on his, "Everybody gets a do-over!" magnanimous work-around to his personal failure to obey the law. Here's a hint, Mell: When everyone gets a do-over only when the bully screws up, it's not magnanimous - it's an exercise of political privilege.
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