Ups and downs

Dec 07, 2005 14:15

well, here's that update you're all looking for!

School is going far worse than I would have liked it to, I am fairly certain I am failing Digital Systems and that's NOT going to go over well with my parents, I am fairly positive I am passing Drafting, which is important because I do NOT feel like doing THAT one again. Why am I doing so poorly you ask? because I've mismanaged my time this semester and it's partially my fault and partially my parents. When I had origionally agreed to go back to school, I had requested a few months to get my Finances in order first.But my parents zelously insisted I start school in september, days after I moved in. So I have been trying to balance a full time job and school and it JUST doesn't work. I suppose if I gave up any and ALL social activities I MAY have done better, but frankly I work from 11-7 monday to friday and the lab is closd closed on weekends. so I either do labwork from 8PM at night till I go to bed, or attempt to do it in the morning. the big deterrent keeping me from going to the lab every day is that it costs $8 per day for parking. that adds up really quickly!!

so, I've hinted to my parents that school isn't doing too good. I imagine things will plummet really quickly from there.... I guess my only saving grace is that I will be promoted to General manager of my store soon and I'll get the bachelor apartment that comes with it. it's a lousy way to live and I don't want to snub my parents..but it's too late to regret anything now. I've also spent crutial study time slacking off at a friend's house. THAT above anything has cost me the most...

now, why do I stay employed you ask? because it's just bad timing that I'm going to be a General manager in two months. It's a mickey-mouse job in terms of uhaul, but in the long run I get to put "GENERAL MANAGER" on mu resume and that's some serious employment clout down the road.

It's the age old connundrum. You need an education to be employed and you need to be employed to get an education.
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