Do You Think You Are More "Kiss Kiss" or "Bang Bang"?

Jul 23, 2008 16:41

Hello people!

Got up at 11:00 today. Blech. I did the dishes and looked up classes at BGSU (not by choice). Let me tell you, they've got some awesome classes, and thus far, I believe they're the only college I've looked at that has a Pop Culture class, which would be AWESOME. *shrugs*

Let's and dad went out for most of the day and I spent a few hours online. I also watched the latest episode of Factory. It was pretty funny, especially the blooper-esque take at the very end with Gary (Mitch's character) sponge-bathing Smitty (David's character). QUITE amusing, lol.

I also watched the episode of Law and Order where Stephen (yes, Colbert) was a guest star. He was the killer, of course. Firstly, he was amazing (as expected). And he looked super cute, so, yeah. His hair looked great, too. /fangirling. Secondly, I don't get how people can watch that show. It sucks ass. MAJORLY. Surrsly, the acting is so terrible's just really stupid. I fast-forwarded through half the episode, to be honest.

I wanted to try out Medal of Honor: Frontline today, so I set up the PS2 in my room and got started. The beginning is D-Day, and you're on the beach and have to infiltrate the German forces. I remember how hard it was for my dad and brother when we first got the game. Anywho, I eventually got through it and it's pretty fun.

But, at one point, you are in this building with dug-out cave-esque areas and it's really dark and you can't really see where you're going. I got lost and started spinning around and frantically trying to find where I'm sposed to go, and during that time, I, myself, became over-heated and light-headed. I think I got motion sickness from watching the video game screen spin around so much. *shakes head at self* So I stopped playing and laid down.

Yeah, I've been feeling kinda nauseous today. Guh. guys prolly don't know that last year, my grandpa was killed in a car "accident" that was definitely not his fault. It's taken a year to get things going towards court, and the guy that did it is saying he's not to blame. Anywho, we got a letter today that said that after getting an oral report from the guy about what happened at the scene, the lawyers believe it plausible they the guy is liable. So, we have to gather up pictures, letters, etc. so the lawyers can figure out what kind of person my grandpa was.

None of us really wanna do this, cuz it's gonna be kinda emotional, but we have to. They asked each of the family members to write down what Grandpa D. meant to us, for character building, ya know. I got mine done already, and my bro's working on his. The big thing here is that my dad is not gonna handle this well at all. He doesn't really get emotional very much, but this is something that upsets him a lot (of course), so it's gonna be hard.

The title of this post is from this interview between Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. on Moviefone: Unscripted for their movie, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." I haven't seen the movie yet, but I intend to. Anywho, I spotted the video and thought it would be funny (especially since I've started liking RDjr., now), so I watched it. ZOMG, it's awesome. At one point, they're talking about how foreign reporters asked them, "Do you think you are more 'kiss kiss' or 'bang bang'?" I thought it was funny. X] And, they have amazering chemistry. SO, for your viewing pleasure...

Dudes, did you hear what Robert Novak did? He hit-and-ran a 66-year-old pedestrian in D.C. this morning! The guy is okay, just had minor injuries, but Novak slammed into him and then drove away. Novak said that he didn't see the guy, but witnesses have said that the guy was momentarily splayed across Novak's windsheild before Novak drove off. I'm sorry, but this story made me laugh. What kinda douche would slam into a guy, drive off, then claim he didn't see the guy? At least he got cited, though I think he should've gotten worse.

Hmm...oh! Okay, so "Mitch Rouse" added me on Facebook a couple weeks ago and messaged me saying this: "Miranda - Mitch Rouse here. Someone, told someone, who told someone, who told me - that I should write you and say "hello". So I'm writing you to say hello. - Hope you're well. -- Mitch"

I thought it was funny and cool, so I added him and replied. Then I didn't hear anything from him until today, when he messaged me saying: "Hey Miranda - someone just sent me this link - and since you're such a Colbert fan I thought you might enjoy it. -- Mitch"

Mitch is super cooly and really nice, so if you guys have Facebook accounts, I suggest adding him. <3 Wife Swap is on tonight, which I'm *super* excited about. I know the show's stupid, but I love it, lol! XD

I wanna make a mood theme, but it looks unbelievably difficult. So, two things: [1] if anyone's willing to answer questions I have, that'd be great! :] and [2] how does one *use* a mood theme? I'm not sure how to do that...

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

P.S. Have you done my picspam challenge yet? DO IT!

celebrities: stephen colbert, celebrities: rdj, movies: kkbb, celebrities: mitch rouse, sick: general, tv: factory

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