We're the CIA; When We Do It, It's Ethical

Jul 18, 2008 17:06

Hello people!

I woke up singing the "Oshikuru" theme song from Two and a Half Men last night. And it will not get outta my head. Not that that's really a bad thing, it's a catchy tune. Speaking of waking up, I got up at 11:00 today! :O I had to do the dishes and vacuum (sp?), but I got that done pretty fast.

Once I was done with that shtuffs, I spent most of my day online. Oh, after seeing a lotta people advertise Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, I checked it out myself. OMG, it's awesome. I love the first song he sings about the laundromat and Penny. It's surrsly one of the best songs ever, lol. <3

I played a bit of The Sims2 and helped mom with dinner and that was pretty much my day. Well, no, I also recorded "Oshikuru" onto my cell phone, along with the Codec ring from Metal Gear Solid and a sound byte of Stephen speaking Italian (video available on my MySpace [it's the last one on the left], NFZ, and Comedy Central.com), cuz holy shit, Italian has never sounded so wonderful as when Stephen spoke it.

The title of this post is from the Get Smart spin-off, "Bruce and Lloyd's Out of Control." My parents rented it, then returned it and I really didn't have that much interest in seeing it, so I skipped out. I came to find yesterday(?) that Mitch Rouse was in it through fenellaevangela (thanks, btw!), so I found a place to download the movie and I watched it just to see Mitch.

The movie was okay, I wasn't able to download the ending, but I really kinda just skipped to the parts with Mitch (he was pretty funny, btw). Anywho, Mitch plays a CIA guy and his buddy says something to the effect of, "Isn't that unethical?" and Mitch replies, "We're the CIA; when we do it, it's ethical." X] Silly Mitch.

OMG, yesterday, I was checking Yahoo! News and it said that Nancy Pelosi called Bush a total failure as a President. I've never liked Pelosi much (let's face it, she's creepy as Hell, plus, she dissed Stephen's show [THE BITCH]), but I love that she called Bush a failure, lol. It struck me as hilarious when I read it. Cuz it's so true! :D Don't try to argue with me; you will not win, cuz I refuse to change my mind: Bush is a failure.

Guess what?! Today is the SIX MONTH ANNIVERSARY of my blog's existence! :D WHOOOOOOOOO! *streamers fall, balloons fall, music plays* I'm so excited that it's lasted this long. It could not have happened without you guys, so thanks so much for being my friends and reading my blog as often as possible, lol! *gives you cookies*

I'm going with mom to see "When Harry Met Sally" at the Ohio Theater downtown, so that should be pretty fun (except for the orgasm scene...yeah, I'll just look away then). We might even get coffee afterwards, which would rock, lol. AND, Monk and Psych both premiere on USA tonight (Monk @ 9:00, Psych @ 10:00)! Today is AWESOME!

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

P.S. Have you done my picspam challenge yet? DO IT!

celebrities: stephen colbert, internets: dr. horrible, rl: general, politics: bush, internets: blog, celebrities: mitch rouse

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