Have You Been Smoking Pot? ...Of Course, Mom

Jul 02, 2008 20:27

Hello people!

Guh, I felt so blah-y today. Not sickly, just depressed-ish for absolutely no reason. And, at one point, I listened to my awesome Egyptian muzak CD and it made me really wish I lived in Ancient Egypt (only, the romanticized [sp?] version, not the actual, somewhat oppressive version).

Anywho, so, I got up at 10:00 and just chilled. I didn't really have any chores to do, so I posted a Metal Gear Solid fanfic I wrote in the community I found the other day, as well as my Grant/Malcolm Jurassic Park fanfic in an Ian Malcolm community I found a while back. I listened to that Egyptian muzak and "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay pretty much all day, non-stop.

Then I made a video, which was quite fun, lol. Although, I desperately wish I had an awesome camera. I'll just make my parents buy me one for Christmas, hehe! Anywho, so, yeah, if you haven't checked out my very first vid EVER, you simply must (no you don't, really, it's okay)!

Moving on...after posting my vid, I told my dad that I really wanted him to paint me this picture on a small-ish canvas. I'll post it when he finally does paint it for me. I just really love that image and wanna hang it on my wall. <3

We went to Sonic (for the first time!) tonight and it was pretty good. The ice cream really hurt my teeth though. I've got super sensitive teeth, but normally, ice cream doesn't hurt that bad. It was kinda weird. Oh, well. There was a Wal*Mart in the same plaza, so we went there, too.

We got Little Miss Sunshine (finally!), Bewitched (the movie, which I thought was rather amusing, plus, Stephen's in it!), and a couple other movies. I'm really excited that my parents are watching Little Miss Sunshine now. They've never seen it, but I convinced them to watch it and I think they'll like it...*hopes*

The title of this post is something I made up. I was burning incense in my room today cuz I missed it and it smells loverly. Mom came in so I could show her a picture on my computer, and she was like, "Jeez, it stinks in here, have you been smoking pot? It stinks like pot." and I was like, "Yes, mom. Of course, I was smoking pot."

ZOMG JEN! One of the categories on Jeopardy tonight was "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!" And Alex even did an impression of Daniel Day-Lewis when he said it! :D

And as of now, I'm finally not depressed anymore. I have successfully been cheered up!

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

P.S. Have you done my picspam challenge yet? DO IT!

fandom: not my fanfic, music: general, movies: lms, family: parents, history: ancient egypt, creative: video, video games: sonic

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