Aug 10, 2011 21:25
Hello people!
I got up at 6:00 again, today. I can't keep doing that.
It's too much for me, lol. Getting up early is not my thing. I left at 6:45 and got to work at 7:00. I was at the front desk all day, and it was fucking crazy hectic. I did a shit ton of shit and that was just about all that happened today, really. This cute co-worker came by and introduced himself - he's the chef - and I talked to him about my writing for a minute.
Later, he passed by and I gave him my card. He was all cute about it, and a couple hours later, he gave me his card in return. Hehe! XD I went to lunch at The Cafe and just got a bagel and a frappe. So tasty. at 2:45, I left work and went to my interview at the newspaper. It went very well. The lady was really nice. She had me take a spelling and typing test. I kicked ass on both, LOL. I got 112 WPM for the latter. \o/
And the lady was like, "Wow! You beat all of us...wait til I tell everybody." LMAO. XD I was like, "I'm online pretty much every second of the day, so, yeah." She seemed, like, really excited and happy with me, so I'm hoping she'll give me a call back. :3 I'd really like the job, it's a lot better than the hotel one (not that the hotel one is bad, just not as good as it could be). Moving on, I went home around 4:00.
Nick asked me if I wanted to watch him play Silent Hill for a while. I sure as Hell did, so we chilled in his room for a few hours. Eventually, he got sick of playing it and wanted to play something else. Nothing he had sounded all that interesting to me, so he looked for something to download on his Mac. He found something and started the download so I went downstairs for a bit.
I made us dinner and joined teh rents to watch a few shows. I took a shower, did the dishes and watched Whose Line and That 70s Show (the title of this post being from the latter). I've been packing most of the night and am exhausted, so I gotta get to bed. Nick is going to ACC tomorrow to take a math placement test, so I'm gonna drop him off. Then, mom and I are gonna see The Help! :D YAY!
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*
rl: guys,
food: coffee,
video games: general,
family: bro,
writing: general,
tv: general,
rl: general,
family: parents,
food: general,
movies: general,
work: general,
school: general,
celebrities: general