Jun 26, 2011 23:14
Hello people!
Today was a LONG day.
I had a dream involving Liam Neeson movies, but I don't remember anything else about it at all. *shakes head* I got up around 8:00 and mom was already taking her shower and getting dressed. We packed everything up and headed out from the motel around 10:00, I think...maybe earlier than that. We drove around for a while, including going through Williamstown.
We passed the theater where Steven Weber probably performed tonight, but we didn't really have time to stop and walk around town. Sadface. We stopped at a Dunkin Donuts in a town about half an hour from our destination. I got tea, mom got coffee, and we sat and talked for a bit, but we didn't stick around for long. We went on our way towards Manchester. Along the way, we came upon a candy store.
We had to stop, lol. ;] We got a few chocolates and continued onward, stopping at a place called Mulligan's for lunch. The food was pretty good, but the music SUCKED. It gave me a bit of a headache and kinda put me in a bad mood, lol. But finally! We reached Manchester and went to the Northshire Bookstore. It's huge and gorgeous and awesome. A tad pricey, and I didn't buy anything, but it was still fun.
They had a little cafe, and we stopped there before leaving to get a drink and sit for a moment. We walked down the street to a couple dinky shops and, honestly, the whole town was fairly boring. I'm not one for small towns. Especially not ones in Vermont. I'm sorry, but goddamn, Vermont is dull. We finally headed home around 3:00 and made it there not too much later. Dad greeted us and helped with our shit.
I found out that I'd received a $100 check from Rite Aid in the mail on Saturday. I'm thoroughly stunned - I barely even worked my last week there, I didn't think I had anything else coming to me. So, fucking awesome, lol! It's a sign that I should get my tattoo ASAP. ;] Ahem. We put our shit away and gathered in the living room to watch dad play Uncharted for a while. He hardly ever plays anymore, so it was fun.
We had sandwiches for dinner and, at 9:00, we watched the premiere of Leverage! IT WAS SO GOOD. Title of this post is from it. I missed that show so much. <3 I took a shower and now, I must get to bed. So tired. I'm gonna drive my car to work tomorrow, for the first time! YAY!
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*
rl: books,
video games: general,
food: candy,
restaurants: general,
family: mom,
family: dad,
tv: leverage,
sleep: dreams,
shopping: general,
rl: general,
food: general,
books: general,
rl: me,
work: general,
celebrities: general