May 18, 2011 16:55
Hello people!
So, here's the deal.
My comp got infected with that Vista Security 2011 bullshit. It basically makes me unable to use the internet and is constantly putting up pop-up boxes about how I need to buy a security software to protect my computer from the hundreds of spyware files that are already on it.
IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU, IT'S A LIE. I mean, I think that may be common knowledge by now, it's a very popular virus at the moment and is popping up all over the place. This same thing just happened to mom a couple weeks ago. BUT IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU, DO A SYSTEM RESTORE IMMEDIATELY AND IT SHOULD FIX THE PROBLEM.
As for me, my computer seems royally fucked, so I took it to a local place in town to get it fixed. It'll be a couple days. I'm using mom's computer right now, but she needs her comp for work and I can't be getting on here all the time. So I'm gonna be on a sort of hiatus for the next two days (or so). I will be checking my email occasionally, and getting on Twitter whenever mom's not using her comp.
But for the most part, I'll be offline. I will post the late blogs whenever I get my comp back (hopefully, Friday at the latest). I hope everything's okay with you guys and I guess I'll see you in a few days. :'(
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*
emotions: angry,
rl: general,
emotions: sad,
technology: ty2,
lj: flist,
technology: computer,
internets: general