Hello people!
I got up at 9:30.
Mom got me up, actually. She had some chores she wanted me to get done and she wanted me up. I went downstairs and mom informed me that Netflix automatically charged my bank account without letting me know, which overdrew me. She was able to transfer money before they charged me an overdraft fee, but still. I would have appreciated a fucking email.
I did the dishes and mom and Nick had a fight. Nick had a bit of an emotional breakdown, but mom had to leave for work. I joined Nick in the living room and we talked for a bit. I think it helped him. I hope it did, anyway. We cleaned out the cat boxes and then got some wood for the fire. After that, I finally took my shower. Mom came home and we had some lunch. At 12:30, we went to the library.
Mom was helping out with a blood drive and she wanted me to help out, too. I manned the canteen, I believe they called it, where you go after you give blood for a snack and a drink. It was kinda fun, I met some cool people. And there were two *really* cute guys working for the Red Cross. One was drawing blood and another was running the whole operation.
The second one was very authoritative and commanding. It was quite a turn-on, lol. I was able to give a donor my card and talked to him about Brimstone Nightmares, which he seemed pretty interested in. <3 Yay! At 4:00, mom and I went home. I fed the pets dinner and tried to start the fire up again. Mom took Nick to work and I took a bath. It was lovely and relaxing.
When I got out, I watched an ep of 24. Dad came home and I joined teh rents downstairs to watch Jeopardy! and whatnot. I made myself a sandwich for dinner and teh rents and I watched our shows. Title of this post is from Chuck. I posted
this in the hopes of selling some of the jewelry I made. I fear that none will sell, and I'll have all this stuff lying around and money sent down the drain.
I dunno if I told you guys, but Jim Brown bought Brimstone Nightmares the other day. Well, he messaged me tonight...
SQUEE! :3 An author I admire likes my writing! <3 Speaking of Brimstone Nightmares,
I HAVE AN AUTHOR PAGE ON AMAZON. SO DAMN OFFICIAL. :D Anywho, uh, now I'm heading to bed.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*