You Don't Wanna Mess With Us; Got Jesus On My Necklace

Dec 15, 2010 21:26

Hello people!

I had lotsa dreams last night.

Let's get through 'em: my first dream was about me working. But we were doing this special event at Rite Aid where we sold only Christmas stuff. And, we did the selling out of a shelter, which we also gave presents and stuff to. Vicki, my old college roomie, was there, working alongside me. We had a bunch of computers around the registers to check people out.

But we had to log onto the computers and I couldn't remember my password. So I was freaking out cuz the line of customers at my register started getting really long. Then this bitch customer came up and insisted that her coupons were still good, but they were expired or something and I kept trying to tell her they wouldn't work, but she wouldn't listen. I got really flustered and then my dream changed.

I was at this huge school on a gorgeous campus (it was fall and the leaves were turning and it was getting just a tad crisp in the air). I ran across campus and stumbled into Brian and Tyler, two of my favorite people from MindCandy in high school. We all hugged and then Brian said he had a surprise for me and took me inside a building nearby. He led me upstairs, Tyler close behind us.

We got to a doorway of a classroom and he told me to close my eyes. Then he said, "Merry Christmas!" and gave me a book. It was full of instructions on how to do magic tricks (and, apparently, I'd been doing the tricks from that very book not too long ago, as I recognized it and remembered some of the tricks). I was really grateful, though (did I ever tell you guys that I wanted to be a magician when I was a kid?).

I thanked him and hugged him. Then we went into the classroom and had a class. I just remember typing on my computer on a desk. My friends changed to a dude I didn't know and a girl I went to school with in middle school, way back when I lived in Connecticut. Class was over and we walked downstairs and outside, where it was now summery. I had on my sunglasses and my hair was in a ponytail.

And suddenly, Rob Delaney ( that adorable comedian I follow on Twitter) appeared. He said hi and joked about my height, saying something like, "Oh, the 15 year old, here," in reference to me. I laughed and said, "Yeah, I'm short, but I'm turning 20 in December." He started joking about car dealerships and how fake they were. How they probably rent all of their cars and equipment and give it back every night.

I'm not sure why, but we all thought that was hysterical. Then, we were in an office, and my friends left the room to go talk to someone. Rob hugged me, but my back was to his front, so he kinda was, like, holding me against him, and we sorta rocked back and forth for a minute (I know, weird). I looked to my left and saw that he was logged onto a computer and was about to post something on Twitter.

The tweet said something like, "Miranda, you have won this contest thingy." Something like that. He was announcing that I had won "A Day With Rob Delaney," a Twitter contest he'd held. And I smirked and was all giddy about it. Then he continued his joking about car dealerships and we stepped outside the office. He picked me up for a minute to see over something and then put me back down.

We walked over to my friends and then Rob got on the floor, spread his legs apart and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me. I laughed at him and then I woke up. Crazy stuff. When I woke up, it was around 9:40. I went downstairs and said hey to dad. Then I took my shower and got dressed. Mom had gotten up by then and she took her shower next. Dad wanted me to run to KMart for him.

So I did that real quick and picked up anti-freeze. Then I went back home and did dishes for mom. We chilled for a bit and played some Wii Bowling and Tennis and a little Golf. We hurt our arms severely and decided to stop after a couple hours, LOL. Mom made oatmeal raisin cookies and then we watched a little TV. I fed the pets dinner around 5:00. After that, I ran out to do some errands for mom.

I got groceries at the store, then picked up dinner for Nick, then filled mom's car with gas, then went home. Along the way, I heard Ke$ha's "We R Who We R," which the title of this post is from. I actually really like it. :3 Even though I think Ke$ha is sorta nasty, I like her music, lol. Anywho, I got home and mom made us dinner; burgers! DELICIOUS burgers. We watched the night's TV; Jeopardy! and Hell's Kitchen.

The latter was the finale and it was excellent. Dad came home and now we're all going to bed. I've decided that I'm gonna hold off on getting my Heavy Rain tattoo, even though I desperately want it, cuz I just won't be able to afford it by my birthday. So I'm gonna save $50 to spend on my b-day then give whatever's left of my check to my parents to help pay for bills and stuff. They need it more than me right now.

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

rl: guys, tv: hell's kitchen, sleep: dreams, family: parents, holidays: christmas, work: general, tv: jeopardy, music: general, rl: tattoos, video games: general, video games: heavy rain, rl: driving, rl: general, friends: tyler, friends: brian, celebrities: general, school: general

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