Sep 08, 2010 23:41
Hello people!
I had a kinda weird dream.
Nick and I were sitting in this playroom - there were chests of toys everywhere and just random stuff like that. Nick had this doll that looked exactly like a Barbie, but it was bigger, like one of those American Girl dolls. I had a smaller one - closer to regular-sized Barbie dolls. I was explaining to Nick that the way to tell if his doll was alive was if it drooled.
His doll fell forward onto the carpet and began drooling. It didn't move otherwise, just started drooling on the carpet. We both started freaking out and Nick started wiping the doll's mouth. Then my doll started to drool and I started having a meltdown. Then I woke up, lol. I was up at 9:00 today, though all I wanted to do was go back to bed. I felt so exhausted, as if I hadn't slept a wink.
I went downstairs and said hi to the rents. They got in a small fight and I went back to my room to avoid their arguing. I watched Frasier for an hour, which is where the title of this post is from. After that, I went downstairs and saw that mom was gonna leave for work. She headed out, then Nick and dad left and I finally had the house to myself. I did the dishes and took a shower.
Brian, my friend in Ohio, sent me a rough draft of a novel he's working on. It was 53 pages so far. I read the whole thing in a few hours and it was magnificent. I loved it. And I told him so, lol. After reading that, I listened to smooth jazz, lit some candles and read The Andromeda Strain for a while. Then I got sleepy and konked out for about fifteen minutes. Mom came home and woke me up.
She and I went to the kitchen and she gave me the other half of a sandwich she'd ordered for lunch but hadn't finished. It was really good. Then we went to bring some band-aids to Nick's GF at the tattoo shop cuz she had walked around school all day with new shoes on and gotten blisters and cuts on her feet. When we got there, Nick asked if we could go get him some food.
We did, then mom got a call from Nick's friend, Hannah, who had gotten into a huge fight with her grandmother and hurt herself by pounding her fist on the floor. So we took Nick his food and then picked Hannah up with Nick's other friend, Colby, and took them both to the hospital. We sat there in the waiting room the entire time. Which was a total of roughly three and a half hours.
And to top it off, the TV in the waiting room was on the Disney channel. It was not amusing. Finally, Hannah came out and she found out she had just bruised her hand, but they put a splint on it and wrapped it. We went to Taco Bell and got Colby and Hannah some dinner, then mom dropped us off at home. She went back out to get Nick and his GF and some food for the two of us from Giavano's.
I fed the pets and got online and then mom came back. The kids were in the living room while mom and I ate our strombolis in the kitchen - they were super delicious, btw. They went upstairs and mom and I went into the living room. We watched Silence of the Lambs: The Making Of or something like that on BIO. It was very interesting. I love seeing shows like that about hit movies.
I just love being able to appreciate how much work went into movies like that, especially when everyone thought the movies would bomb. I'm thinking of watching Silence of the Lambs for the first time this weekend...I might put it off til Halloween, but I would like to see the movie, now that I know what all went into it. AND, Ted Levine, who plays Captain Stottlemeyer on Monk, was a serial killer in it!
It was crazy for me to see him like that, lol. I'm so used to him being this incredibly good guy, and all of a sudden, I see him as a serial killer who skins his victims. I mean DAMN. *shakes head* Anywho, dad came home halfway through the show and watched the rest with us. Colby and Hannah went home. And now I'm gonna go to bed. I've got my first fucking day of school tomorrow!
Classes start at 8:00 in the morning (but I gotta get up at 6:00) and end at 3:50. Then, mom and I are going bra shopping cuz I need a new one desperately. It promises to be a very hectic day. The worst part? My math class is thirty minutes longer than all my other classes - it's a total of about two hours. But, of course, I don't have to go again until next Tuesday, so it'll be nice to have that break.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*
rl: college,
family: bro,
rl: chores,
family: mom,
tv: general,
tv: monk,
friends: general,
sleep: dreams,
movies: general,
food: general,
friends: brian,
books: general,
tv: frasier,
school: general