You Shoulda Seen Your Face When You Thought I Was Smart

May 19, 2008 21:11

Hello people!

Okay, I didn't think today would suck so much, but it turned out rather depressing tonight.

Math was okay. We now have a total of seven kids in our class, which is good and bad. Good, cuz no one really pays attention. Bad, cuz the teacher thinks that we should buckle down and learn. Which sucks. We're cramming shit in last-minute, and I *hate* it.

We're still watching "Schindler's List." It keeps getting more and more depressing, lol. I know that's the point, but, ya know. It's really surprising how bluntly violent it came out in 1993...I guess I underestimated the rather extensive resources they had. *shrugs*

Okay, so, I think I said last night, that Adam, Frau and I are the only people in German class anymore. And apparently, we don't have a final exam in that class. So, we watched Seinfeld today. And I'm bringing "Midnight Run" in tomorrow, which outta be UNBELIEVABLY amusing, haha. I'm excited to see Frau's reaction to it (and yes, I explained all the "fuck" shouting in it, and yes, she approved it anywho).

I gotta say, I'm not good with conversation (unless it's something major like politics or religion or something), so it was really hard for me to come up with stuff to talk with Adam about. And so, an awkward silence overcame the room multiple times today. I despise awkward silences.

So, anywho...we did nothing in Brit Lit and nothing in Creative Writing. Mr. DeChant wasn't in class on Friday, then today, so he must be sick or something. I hope he's okay!

I got into an argument with my mom on the phone when I got home, but I'm not gonna go into that right now. I'm past it. A new chap of the badfic!verse was posted today, which THRILLED me to no end, lol. Then, my rents got home and we ate dinner and that was that.

BONES. Oh my GOD. It was....good and bad and depressing and amusing and GAH. I don't want Zac (sp?) to leave. I love him...not the way I love Booth, but still... *is sad* And I recorded House, so NO ONE TELL ME ANYTHING. We watched Two and a Half Men, which was quite amusing (and where the title of this post came from...Jake said it to Allen), and then Rules of Engagement, which was also hilarious. I think the characters were top-notch this time around.

I got an invitation to the Presidential Classroom Inaugural program and I *desperately* wanna go. My mom's signing me up right now. I get to go to the actual Presidential Inauguration! I get to actually be there when the next president gets sworn in! How amazering is that?!

I've actually got a little homework to do (*surprise!*), and then sleep, so, yeah! Countdown: 11 days. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. When I started my countdown, I was counting days TIL the end of school. Then, I switched to days LEFT til I'm out. So, yeah. So I have a TOTAL of 11 days LEFT.

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

tv: rules of engagement, fandom: fanfic, tv: bones, tv: two and a half men, rl: presidential classroom, school: general

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