Hello people!
I feel like I need to explain something about myself to you guys, cuz I don't know that I've ever addressed it before.
So, before the internet, I was a very boring child. Very academically-minded, very prudish. I didn't even watch TV all that much. Then I found the FOX forum for 24. In 2005, I became obsessed with the aforementioned forum and 24 itself, as well as Kiefer Sutherland. I would spend every second of every evening online. It drove my parents crazy, cuz at that time, we only had one computer for the whole family.
I eventually got a laptop and also fell out of love with 24. Admittedly, it was around the fifth/sixth season, which is when the Writer's Strike happened and the show totally PLUMMETED in quality. I still love Kiefer, though. I discovered House, M.D., in late 2006/early 2007, I believe, all because we had an episode on in the background and weren't paying attention until I heard House say, "We should call Jack Bauer."
I was like, "WHAT?!" and watched the rest of the episode. It was awesome, and so, House, M.D. and Hugh Laurie became my new obsession. That lasted until roughly two or three years ago, around when the new team came on. And Hugh got his buzz cut. *shudders* Buzz cuts will never be sexy, lol. I watched about half of season four and gave up on it.
It was turning into Grey's Anatomy; it had become more about the relationships and personal struggles than the medicine. I found The Daily Show and The Colbert Report in 2008, I think? That sounds about right. I was taken in by how adorable Jon and Stephen are and how hilarious the jokes were (even if I didn't get half of them - I still don't get a good chunk of them, lol).
I stayed cuz of the politics and current events; they really were interesting, and I was learning! I know that I've used stuff I heard on TDS/TCR in school, lol. And once, I brought up a current event Stephen had mentioned that sparked a conversation with my parents AND grandpa. It was awesome. It honestly made me feel smart. Around last summer, when the whole Iraq thing happened, I started losing interest.
You might remember I had tickets to TCR in June, I think, and that's when Stephen's Iraq segment played. This sounds really stupid, but I felt betrayed. The one chance I had to go see him and he was playing this stupid segment? I was pretty upset. And what other chance was I gonna get to go see him when we were moving and, therefore, putting pretty much everything we had into relocating?
Plus, that goddamn buzz cut. It irked me. So I stopped watching for quite a bit. I came back for a couple weeks, just before we moved. I played catch up and loved all the shows but...something was off. I just didn't love them like I used to. College started and everything was hectic and psychotic and I just didn't have time to watch TDS/TCR anymore. I came home in January and suddenly had time, but...
Despite the fact that I was up til all hours of the morning, I just didn't feel like watching Jon and Stephen. I didn't want to try to follow the political jokes. My problem with TDS/TCR is how late it's on. It's really inconvenient, ya know? Especially since I don't have a DVR anymore, so I can't just tape it and watch it whenever I feel like it. Now, I think you'll notice that this was the longest obsession I've had.
Along came Robert Downey Jr. and Sherlock Holmes. Cue the new obsession. Now, I can tell that this one will fade quickly and I will transition again soon because I honestly don't like some of the insanely bizarre and obscure stuff that RDJ does. But for now? I'm comfortable knowing I have another sexy guy to stare at and save pictures of, and hundreds of stories to read about a kickass character.
I always feel guilty when I leave a fandom - the same kind of guilt we all feel when we take down old icons and put up new ones, ya know? It's something I hate feeling but has to happen; I have officially moved on. It's not the first time and it certainly won't be the last.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*