Drink a Glass of Milk, Do Some Fucking Thing

Aug 06, 2009 20:00

Hello people!

I actually don't think this post has a purpose...oh, I can attach the meme from yesterday to it.

Um, I just wanted to bitch somewhere that I'm fucking sick of Twitter being down. It's been on and off (though mostly off) for the whole day and I feel angry and sad and overall blech-y that I can't talk to anyone on there. :'( Also, I tried explaining to mom over dinner how theraputic (sp?) and wonderful blogging is and that I think she should do it (I truly believe it would help her), but she's afraid of sharing private information.

She thinks talking about having a fight with dad or money concerns about the house is sharing too much with too vast an audience. I understand why she feels that way, but I still think she's being silly. Just because something is available on the internet doesn't mean the entire internet's gonna read it, ya know? And blogging has helped my life so much, I just wish I could share it with mom. *shrugs*

Oh well, I guess. I wanna play MGS, but mom is gonna force me to watch Three Men and a Baby. I don't have anything against the movie (I've never seen it, but Tom Selleck is good enough reason to), I'm just not in the movie-watching mood. OH! And my dumbass Yahoo! Mail did NOT tell me about the comments left on my entry here and still refuses to. That's also pissing me off. Okay, enough babbling.

P.S. Sorry about the stupid not-cutting. Fucking LJ. I'm done with the internet for today, jeezus chryzt.

TOP 5 MEMES (from
5) The Anon Meme
4) The Desktop Meme
3) The Letter Meme
2) The Countdown Meme
1) The Page of a Book Meme

5) Stephen calling himself a "total whore."
4) Stephen speaking Shakespeare.
3) Stephen kissing Tom Hanks.
2) The toss where Jon and Stephen make references to them having sex.
1) The Starbucks shower.

TOP 5 LJ ICONS (from yellowxshades):
5) mgs_alert
4) 24_boom
3) kds_jiji walking

2) dexter_spatter
1) splinter cell_nightvision
Honorable mention: sphinx_boat ride

TOP 5 SONGS RIGHT NOW (from alexaandra89):
5) ??? - Lollipop
4) U2 - I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
3) Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart
2) Frida - I Know There's Something Going On
1) ??? - Ice Cream and Cake

TOP 5 PAIRS OF SHOES I OWN (I actually only own 5 pairs, lol) (from
5) My black dressy shoes
4) My black boots
3) My blue/gray slip-ons
2) My slip-on canvas shoes
1) My flip-flops

TOP 5 SMELLS (from spacedudey):
5) Fresh laundry
4) Tropical stuffs
3) Tranquility incense
2) Citrus/orange/mango
1) Fresh-brewed coffee

TOP 5 MOST WATCHED MOVIES (from spacedudey):
5) Jurassic Park
4) Kiki's Delivery Service
3) Midnight Run
2) The Birdcage
1) Christmas Vacation

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

lj: yellowxshades, internets: twitter, lj: meme, family: mom, internets: blog, lj: ishy_squishy, internets: general, lj: alexaandra89, lj: spacedudey, lj: e_colberto

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