I Imagine "Cancer Problem" Were the Doctor's Exact Words

May 19, 2009 16:33

Hello people!

I actually woke up at 5:00 this morning, then went back to sleep for half an hour. I woke up a couple of times between 5:30 and 5:47, at which time I decided to screw getting more sleep and just got up. It was surprisingly freezing in the living room and kitchen, so I made myself hot chocolate and had a cookie for breakfast. LOL, not the best thing to have, but ya know. It was tasty. X]

I got Nick up at 6:30, after, of course, letting the dog out, freeing the cats from the laundry room, and feeding the animals. I watched the news and heard two stories that are worth mentioning: [1] someone was shot at Harvard! :O They haven't said whether the shooter was a student or not, just that the victim is in the ICU. [2] A father called 911 on his son because the son didn't clean his room.

Oh, and the son is 28 years old. Yeah. The 28-year old lives with his parents and, because the son hadn't cleaned his room, the dad thought it would be an awesome idea to call 911. *facepalm* Oh, stupid people. Why are you so stupid? So, then, Nick left for school and I locked up the house and went back to bed. I slept til 12:00 like yesterday (well, okay, off by half an hour), which sucked.

I had a crazy psycho dream that...well, I can't remember everything, but there were a bunch of flies on this...strainer thingy?...by the front door, and I freaked out and opened the door and tried to shoo them away. Then even BIGGER flies swarmed the strainer and I freaked out even more. And then I spotted this adorable black kitten on the front stoop and brought it inside.

I also noticed that two of our cats (who happened to get out two days ago, but we were able to get them back inside really quickly) were on the stoop, looking around. I scrambled to get them inside and then I woke up...it was so weird, I don't even know. And WTF is up with me having dreams about bugs lately? GROSS. I'm gonna have to look into those. Ahem.

Anywho, I got up at noon and made myself popcorn chicken and tater tots, though they weren't very good. I suck at making food. Gah. And I pretty much spent the day lazing around in the living room, watching TV. I also worked a bit on a new original story I came up with, as well as my 24/TDS/TCR crossover, which I'm SO excited about. Though, I really shouldn't write anything til I've watched the 24 finale.

Title of this post is from this ridiculously hilarious video about spam email. Seriously, watch it.

image Click to view

Okay, there's not much else to say. Um, teh rents are coming home tonight, which I'm stoked about. And they think they've found a house to move into, although from their description, it doesn't sound all that awesome. It kinda sounds crummy-ish. Apparently, it needs a lotta work. But I guess as long as they're happy with it, I'm cool. It's not like I'm gonna be living there much anyway.

Speaking of, I've got so much packing to do. Gross. Stupid packing.

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

sleep: general, rl: stupid people, news: general, writing: general, rl: moving, sleep: dreams, family: parents, food: general, internets: videos

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