The First Thing I Thought Was, "Rape?"

May 07, 2009 17:26

Hello people!

I slept very well last night but, especially this week, I feel so drained. I really haven't done anything, but I really feel exhausted.

We had the first half of our test in myth today. I didn't study much, but I think I did okay. I pay attention in class, so I know what's going on and whatnot. I finished with twenty minutes left in class and did a make-up government assignment. I also studied for the math test I had to take next period. Speaking of which, it was kind of fucking ridiculous.

The math test took me the entire period plus a couple minutes past the bell. It was long and drawn out, but I really think I got most - if not all - of them right. I sure hope so, at least. In AP Gov., we finished "Holy Grail." I had to make up that quiz and I think I prolly got a 10/20. I'm fine with that. I handed in my make-up assignment, too, and now my grade is up to a C (75)! :D

She hasn't even added in bonus points from current events every Friday, either, so it might be up to a low B by tomorrow! SO EXCITED. I'm also doing an extra-credit assignment with another girl in class. YAY bonus points! We're gonna spend the rest of our class time playing board games, which is always fun, lol, although I wish we could watch "My Fellow Americans" instead.

We had a sub in AmLit and had a free day. I read Dearly Devoted Dexter, and honestly, it's getting a little annoying. It's really...redundant. He keeps repeating a bunch of stuff and it's kind of boring, but I shall try to muddle through, lol. In MindCandy, most of the kids kinda just up and left class. Olivia, Robbins and I were the only ones there for about an hour.

I cleaned out my locker and GOD it felt so good. I threw away all the shit I didn't need and now there's only a few books and some notebooks in my locker. <3 Robbins talked about "Se7en" with us a bit and how freaking repulsive it is, lol. Can someone tell me right freaking now: are you sposed to italicize movie titles or put them in quotes? Or something else entirely?

Anywho, um, oh! Shampel wasn't there today so, after a buncha people had come back to class, we started talking about how stupid his stories are. And OH MAN, it was fun. Nobody (except Robbins and Volzer, for some reason) likes him. Apparently, Shampel has said before that he has been maced seventy times (he used to be a bouncer).

Anna was in the room when we discussed that story, and she didn't know he had been a bouncer, and she said, "Why?" and we told her, and she said, "Oh, that's not the first thing that came to mind." And then she said that *points to title*.  I lol'd SO HARD. X] Mom and dad picked me up and we went straight home. I just chilled when I got home.

Mom left about half an hour later for an appointment. I had to fiddle a LOT with the fanfic awards, which was kinda frustrating and confusing (it's hard to plan out awards, lol, I dunno how other people do it), then I took an hour-long nap. <3 This has happened a couple times before, but our local news shows three tweets on the nightly news that are in response to a daily question.

The question today was, "Study says "black boxes" in cars that monitor teen driving DO keep them safer. Would you use for your teen?" And I said, "I AM a teen and I'm all for that. I have put off getting my license from fear of driving. Whatever helps!" And it got on the news! :D YAY! I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: I. Freaking. Love. Our. Local. News.

We watched Castle and that's about it, lol. Lotsa TV on tonight! :D

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

sleep: general, fandom: not my fanfic, rl: books, rl: grades, internets: twitter, news: general, tv: dexter, teachers: robbins, news: kurt ludlow, movies: general, fandom: the tds_rps fanfic awards, school: general

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