Apr 29, 2009 17:12
Hello people!
Okay, so, let's see...I know I dreamt last night but I have no idea what about. I actually slept pretty well, thankfully. I don't appear to have missed a whole lot in myth, though I found out today that I have a D in that class and I have no idea why. Usually, I have at least some clue as to why my grades are bad, but this time...I don't know. I've participated and done all the work. :(
I'm gonna talk to Mr. Shoemaker about it tomorrow. I hope there's some error cuz if not, WOW, that sucks. Anywho, in math, we had a quiz (*groan*) but I didn't have to take it. I did, however, miss, like FOUR assignments. I did three and a half tonight, lol, I'll do the rest tomorrow. We also had a test in AP Gov., which I also didn't have to take. Messick's gonna let me take it tomorrow.
The best part, though? The test is only 20 questions long! :DDD They're usually 60, lol. I got to read a lot of Looking for Alaska today, which is always great. X] Loving that book more and more with every page. In AmLit, we did a worksheet. Boring. I didn't miss anything, either, lol. So yay. We did a big fat nothing in MindCandy, of course. XD Although, apparently, our stories are due.
I mentioned those, but just a refresher: Robbins gave us the start to a story and we had to finish it. Well, he also would give us sentences along the way that HAD to be in our stories. So, I got this awesome idea for mine and it's gonna take a lot before it's done, but Robbins told the class ON MONDAY that they were due. I don't think he realizes that he never actually told us that BEFORE Monday.
So, in other words, only about two people are done with their stories, lol. But whatevski, I asked him about it and he told me to just get it to him when I could. <333 We pretty much just chatted and stuff throughout the period, and at one point it got kinda awkwardly quiet, and Brian started singing this random song, and Anna was like, "What are you doing?" and he said that *points to title*. XD
WIN. I want my own theme song, lol. So, then, guess what? The fucking fire alarm went off. And it wasn't a planned test; some douche pulled the fire alarm and we had to go stand outside in the slightly-muddy grass and wait for the FIREMEN to clear the area for safety. It sucked, we were outside in the semi-cold for half an hour! And an actual rap-battle broke out.
Guys, lol, my school is so stupid. The rap-battle was VERY short and really only one kid actually rapped, but it was hysterical; EVERYONE was gathering around (even though only, like, twelve people could actually hear the raps). I recorded ten seconds of the crowd before we were let back into the school. I'll have to try to upload it to YouTube (it might be the wrong format).
Anywho, um, we got back in at 12:24 which is when I get picked up, so I left. But classes were pushed back cuz of the fire drill, so the rest of the class had to wait another twenty minutes til they could go to lunch. :} Dad picked me up and took me to Burger King for lunch. Then we had to go to Kroger to get tissues, then Wal*Mart for groceries. I got some gum, so yay!
Then we came home and I did my math homework. That took three hours, guys. THREE HOURS, and I didn't even do it all! >:( Stupid math (no, it's not stupid me, it's all plugging numbers into the calculater, it's just a LOT of numbers and such). Aaaaaand that's about it. OMG, I forgot! In MindCandy, I whispered to this other girl that John Green was really cute.
See, she asked me about John Green, so I told her a bit about him, including that he was cute, lol. And then Brian was like, "DON'T WHISPER!" (jokingly, of course), so I said, "Okay, John Green is really cute, there, are you glad I'm not whispering anymore?" and I smiled, and then Robbins was like, "He's sooooooooooo cute." XD He was obviously joking and OMG it was hilarious. <333
Okay, I'm done, lol.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*
P.S. I'm still going on my NYC trip. <3
sleep: general,
rl: books,
rl: stupid people,
states: ny,
authors: john green,
teachers: robbins,
school: math,
food: general,
friends: brian,
school: general