Hello people!
Holy crap, last night was, like, the worst night of sleep I've had in months. I was more awake than I was asleep. I know of at least seven times that I woke up. By the time I woke up around 7:30, I was done trying to sleep. I got up and watched TV and basically lazed around my room. I was up before my parents, although mom had an awful sleep, too, so there wasn't much to do.
I watched some epically mindless cartoons and ate some pasta salad around 11:30. I took a shower, then I went back to my room and watched TDS/TCR. I'm 100% caught up again, which is always great, lol. Um, then I played Splinter Cell and beat it (again). That's really about it, lol. There was a Spongebob-athon on AGAIN today. Since I have nothing else to watch, I watched Spongebob.
The title of this post is from the ep with the Tattletale Strangler. LAWLZ. Good stuff. I've had just about as much Spongebob as I can handle, but I have really noticed that Spongebob is ridiculously inappropriate. Especially the pranksters ep, which was just on. At one point in the Strangler ep, Spongebob is trying on perfume. If it wasn't the most perverted, semi-revolting thing ever, I'd ship Spongebob.
I should stop talking now. Um, yeah, so, I have to go to school tomorrow. I've already missed...uh...three or four days, and I'm for sure missing next Monday (it's Senior Skip Day), so I can't stay home tomorrow. I don't really mind going, I just don't want to be hacking my brains out and blowing my nose all day in class. *grumble* It looks like I'll be sick for at least another two days. *sadface*
Okay, so, mini!LOLcat!spam.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*