Hello people!
Ya know, I feel like I say the same shit all the time. You guys must get bored! I wish I had more exciting stuff to say, lol. Oh, well, back to usual: I am super tired. *shakes head* I couldn't fall asleep til 1:00 last night. I dunno why, I just couldn't.
I can't remember my dreams, which frustrates me to no end. *sigh* In myth, we
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PS: tell Robbins I said hi and that I might be sending him some writing soon, depending on how you my f-list reacts.
Will do. LOL! ;D
We're in Act Three (I think...) where Mary confessed to lying to the court, but Abigail's there and she acts like Mary's spirit's hurting her. *shakes head*
ps: you never told me who your fav is... :P
P.S. GAH, sorry, totally spaced, lol! Um...I love John, and Giles is decent, too. But GAWD, I HATE Parris. SO MUCH. I want him to fucking die.
Hmmm... I like John, but I have to say that I think Hale is my favorite, followed by Mary. I like the Coreys, too, and the Nurses... the Putnams and Parris piss me off so badly. Goody Putnam is a freak!!!!
Oh, and the line "The Putnam seed hath peopled this province..." makes me laugh every time!
Yet, I find it interesting, that with all this power she held, how vulnerable she was to people's perceptions of her, especially John's...
I guess I just look for interesting characters...
The others can get whoever they want killed as long as Elizabeth dies... That was her goal from the very start of things, when she ate that chicken head as part of a charm to kill Elizabeth... I just find it really ironic that almost everyone dies but Elizabeth.
ANYWHO. Yeah, that is pretty ironic, lol.
If she'd come out and stabbed Elizabeth, it would have been a lot harder for her to get away with it... she had the whole town in her hands. Though, I sort of agree. If she would have just offed her at the beginning, the power wouldn't have had time to get to her head and ruin it all for her...
Yeah. Yeah, it prolly would've been easier for her...it's interesting to think about...
Meh, I don't like Hale or Mary that much. OMG, yes, the Putnams suck! LOL!
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