Hello people!
I didn't stay up very late last night cuz I was really tired, and I FINALLY slept through the night. And I slept soundly, too! :D And then mom woke me up at 9:00 to vacuum. *headdesk*
I did as I was told, then hopped online. Ty didn't work for very long this morning, so I was mostly on the living room computer. Everytime I try to listen to music on Ty, he flips out and freezes. I dunno why...but I'm thinking it's time I back up my music files. Anywho, I listened to the Christmas Special soundtrack, watched a few vids, blah blah blah. Then Nick came out and asked if I wanted to play Tomb Raider.
Of course, I said yes and we went in his room to play for a while. We wound up quitting Tomb Raider fairly quickly cuz we kept dying on spikes and after a while, that sitch loses its humor, lol. We started Kingdom Hearts, but Nick got bored after about half an hour and we stopped playing completely. Mom came home with lunch so we ate and chilled for a while.
Oh! Okay, so, Uncle Douchebag Mike was sposed to be over here by noon. That's what he told mom. NOON. He's also bringing our Thanksgiving turkey with him. At 1:30, he had yet to arrive. Dad called the place that Mike's getting the turkey from and they said it hadn't been picked up yet. Finally, at 3:00, Mike called to let mom know that he had been in the bathroom for the past hour.
He gave mom full details on WHY he'd been in the bathroom for an hour (you definitely don't wanna know, and I sure as hell wish I didn't), then said he'd try to get here soon. He also said that EVEN THOUGH HE'S BEEN HERE MULTIPLE TIMES, he's afraid to make the trip here. He only lives about an hour and a half away, IF THAT. And? It's a hellishly sunny day today, no snow, no rain, barely any wind.
Let me say this once, and I'll try not to say it again for the next two fucking hellish days: I HATE HIM. God, I hate him. *breathes* Kay, enough about my idiot uncle. Mom and I had a little tiff about something stupid and now I'm in my room, playing Splinter Cell and wishing I could listen to the soundtrack (I don't have a stereo, Ty is my only source for music, lol).
The title of this post is from
this video that my bro sent me. If you're a gamer (or, really, even if you're not...), you'll find it quite amusing. ;D I finally got to put the finishing touches on my video last night and
was able to get it up (haha, that's what he said). I'm so glad you guys like it, it was hard to come up with the last verse, lol.
OOH, guess what?! The Dr. Horrible DVD is coming out in a few days! I dunno when, exactly, but the Dr. Horrible Twitter says it's only a few days away, so, yeah, I'M STOKED! :D And, if you didn't hear yesterday, Hannity and Colmes are splitting up. AND, Ann Coulter broke her jaw and now has to have it wired shut. FOR THE FUCKING WIN, lol. X}
I think that's about it.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*