Here You Go Meme, Here YOU Go Meme

Oct 31, 2008 23:08

Hello people!

Snurtched from batmarg. I know I recently did "the controversial meme", but this one is WAY more in-depth and I do enjoy filling this in, have been forewarned. This is a controversial meme.

Religion and Government:
1. Would you consider yourself a follower of a specific religion?
Nope. I'm an Atheist, which literally means lack of religion.

2. Would you consider yourself Christian?
No. Read above.

3. How do you interpret or what do you think the words, "One Nation, Under God" means?
I think it's something that it's unnecessary and somewhat offensive to those of us that don't feel we're "under God." That said, I don't care ridiculously about it. I'm not campaigning against it or something, so...

4. Do you believe that the government should make laws that favor or support the positions of the predominant or most influential religion in a country?

5. What does "separation of church and state" mean to you?
Personal religions for each and every American citizen. Also: government stays out of religion, religion stays out of government. YA PLZ.

6. Do you believe that ALL religions, sects, "cults" or any other forms of worship should be legal and have equal rights, even those that do not share the beliefs or are completely different from your own?
Of course! Everyone should be free to believe whatever they want. As long as no one gets hurt.

7. Do you vote solely based on what your church recommends or what your religion's teachings are?
NO NO NO NO NO FUCK NO. Anyone that does is a douche and should be shot (pardon me if you do that).

8. Do you think pornography or "alternative" sexual acts and sexuality should be illegal or legislated from a religious stand point?
Oh for Christ's sake, OF COURSE NOT. Like I said earlier, government stays out of religion, religion stays out of government. This question pisses me off so much I can't form a proper goddamn sentence.

9. Does a candidate's religion have a significant effect on if you will vote for them?
Not at all. WhoTF cares what they believe? As long as they have good policies and aren't assholes, what does it matter? I couldn't care less.

10. Do you think the country has lost its way or drifted away from morality?
Yes and no, but I don't think there's anything that can be done about it. Everything will happen how it happens.

Abortion & Rape:
1. Do you agree with current abortion laws and legislation?
Some states have abortion illegal, right? No. EVERY state should make abortion legal.

2. Do you think abortion is a strictly medical, personal issue or that it is a societal and moral issue?
It's taken as both, but I support it as a medical, personal issue. In today's society, it's a moral/religious issue, but it SHOULD be a medical/personal issue, imo.

3. Do you think a father has the same rights to an unborn chlid as the mother does?
Is he birthing it? Cuz if he's not, he has very few rights.

4. If a friend or family member had an abortion, how would you feel about it?
Depends on the reason (and the friend/family member), but I'd prolly support them.

5. How do you feel about late and mid-term abortions (where the fetus is aborted after 3 months gestation)?
I don't care. I feel, PERSONALLY, that it's not an actual person until it's OUT of the womb. Once it's born, it's a person. So it really doesn't matter to me.

6. Is hormonal contraception an abortificant in your opinion? Do you think doctors and pharmacists have the right to refuse a woman contraception if it goes against their beliefs?
First question: No...I guess, technically, yes, that's what it is, but I don't consider it that way. Second question: NO. They can go fuck themselves, women are entitled to what they ask and PAY for.

7. Should rape victims be entitled to monetary damages from their attackers?
No, but I think therapy at, at least, a lowered rate would be a good thing.

8. Can rapists be rehabilitated?
I don't know. I'd like to think they can be, but I really don't know.

9. Should victims share any percentage of blame/responsibility in a rape (wearing provocative clothing, leading a man on, etc.)?

10. Should minors be allowed to get abortions without parental knowledge? How would you feel if your own daughter did this?
No. Minors shouldn't be having sex, but if they are, they should have to (I know this sounds terrible, but) suffer the consequences. Maybe they'll learn a lesson. And I would prolly strangle my daughter cuz hopefully she'd know better than to be fucking around in middle school/high school.

1. Do you believe in "white privilege"?
I don't know what that means. But if it's what I think, then no.

2. Should medical assisted suicide be made legal?
Yes. If someone wants to die, they will figure out a way to get it done. Why not have a safe, painless way to do it?

3. Do you agree with affirmative action?
We learned about that in AP Gov., but I can't remember for the life of me what it that letting minorities get into colleges and such more than whites simply cuz they're minorities? If so, fuck no. It's not fair.

4. Is illegal (or legal) immigration a major problem/concern to you?
Illegal immigration could not annoy me anymore than it does. I HATE it. And I want it to stop. And I want regulated, minimal legal immigration.

5. Should homosexuals and people of "alternative lifestyles" be seen differently than people of "mainstream" heterosexual lifestyle?
NO NO FUCK NO NO FUCKING WAY. We are all people who all feel the same feelings and all love someone.

6. Do you agree with welfare and social entitlement programs?
I dunno. I don't have an opinion on that at the moment.

7. Does it really "take a village" to raise a child, or is it solely the parent's responsibility and concern?
IT'S THE PARENTS' RESPONSIBILITY. I'm so sick of parents blaming society (video games, TV, internet, etc.) for the problems their kids have or they have with their kids. Take responsibility for your own goddamn children!

8. Should guns be controlled, banned or allowed?
Controlled. Banned=stupid and someone will always find a way to get their hands on one. Allowed=waaay to much freedom with very dangerous weapons.

9. What do you think should be done about the homelessness problem in your city/country?
LOL! "I hate the homeless...ness problem that plagues our city." <3 *ahem* Anywho, um, I don't know and honestly, I don't care very much. That sounds really cold, but whatever.

10. Should mentally ill people be forced into hospitals or treatment against their will?
No. Nothing against people's will. That's just cruel.

1. Do you agree with current drug laws?
I don't really care. I think, no matter what, someone will find a way to get drugs, no matter what the law says. *shrugs* If people wanna be stupid, that's their choice.

2. Do you think "less severe" drugs should be legalized?
No. Who cares?

3. Should all drugs be legal and free from control?
I don't think so, but like I said in my first answer to this set of questions, meh.

4. Do you consider alcohol less/more/equally dangerous than cigarettes?
Depends: are you drinking like whoa? Or is it spaced out over time?

1. Do you agree with the current government type in your country?
Not really. I think it kinda blows, but I can't think of a better system. Everything works in theory, ya know?

2. Do you believe in high taxes to fund more societal programs?
Only if it's on big businesses/corporations/teh loaded.

3. What political party do you belong with or consider most representative of your beliefs?
Democratic. I like to think that if someone had great ideas and was a Republican, I would vote for them, but it just so happens that most (if not all) Republicans are against gay marriage, abortion, and the separation of church and state, which are the most important issues to me.

4. Do you think government run healthcare is a good thing? If yes or no, why?
I really don't know. I think it COULD be a good idea. But I don't know enough about it, really.

5. Do you agree with the foreign policies of your country?
Not really, no. I think isolationism is the best policy, but that will never happen.

6. Do you believe in capital punishment?
I don't know...

7. Should an 18+ year old man who has consensual sex with a 16 year old girl be labeled a sexual offender and required to register as a sex offender?
No. NOT if it was consensual on both ends. I think that's a stupid law. Ya know, I read something in an issue of Seventeen Magazine about this girl, who was 16, and her boyfriend, who was 18, and they were completely in love and they had sex. But it somehow got out and the guy was arrested and had to register as a sexual offender, even though it was completely consensual. I think that's ridiculous.

8. Should the military be highly funded?
Um...I think we fund it enough (maybe a little more than enough, as of the past seven years).

9. Should non-violent and drug offenders get less jail time and/or more treatment programs in lieu of jail?
Yes, I think so.

10. What are your opinions on feminism?
I'm all for equal rights for men and women, but I hate it when women are like...ooh! Like the "vagina voters" in this election. Women who were gonna vote for Hillary that totally flipped cuz Palin's the VP nom and is a woman. So they're like, "ZOMF, PALIN'S A WOMAN! I MUST VOTE FOR MCCAIN NOW!" Fuck them.

1. Should children be allowed to drop out of school?
Yes and no. Yes, cuz if they wanna make bad choices, that's they problem, not mine. But no, cuz when they do, school expectations are lowered more and more and we barely even get an education.

2. What should the driving/drinking/voting ages be?
Driving should be 18. Drinking is fine at 21. Voting is fine at 18.

3. Do you agree with physically punishing children (spanking, switching, etc)?
Not really.

4. Sex ed; is it the school's responsibility or the parent's?
SCHOOL. It's incredibly awkward with parents (at least, it is for me) and sometimes it's easier when it's forced at school. My school only teaches abstinence and it definitely DOES NOT work. Half the school's fucking around or pregnant. It's ridiculous. So, yeah, we need sex ed.

5. Should mothers on welfare be punished or prevented (mandated birth control, etc) for having more children?
Um...only if they're doing it to gain more money or whatever. It's hard to say, really.

1. What do you think of homosexuality? Do you believe it's nature or nurture?
I fully support it and am fucking in love with it, LOL. I believe it's nature. I've read stuff. And if you're a TCR fan, you'll recall that guest who said that it's actually a thing with the genes. *shrugs* I believe that.

2. Do you think pornography/sex toys are healthy or damaging?
I think they're completely healthy. I love porn. I think most of my flist does. There's nothing wrong with watching sex or experimenting with sex.

3. Is sex before marriage acceptable to you?
Yes. I think if you're gonna marry someone, you should know all you can about them before you do so, and that includes having sex AT LEAST once. Just so you have some kind of idea what they're like. I truly don't believe most people can be happy married to someone that doesn't satisfy them.

4. Should prostitution be legalized and accepted as a personal choice?
I don't see why not. If a woman/man wants to fuck around for money, that's their choice.

5. What do you think of women being submissive or being humiliated in a sexual manner or during sex?
If it's what the woman gets off on, that's fine, but if it's just the man being an asshole, fuck that (excuse the pun).

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

lj: meme, politics: general

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