Oct 13, 2008 17:19
Hello people!
I slept fairly well last night but I woke up on-and-off from 5:00-6:00 this morning. I think I had a dream that kept waking me up...but I don't remember it...uh, yeah. So, anywho, that's a round-about way of saying I'm tired.
Photo was okay, I guess...we didn't really do anything. I'm, like, way behind cuz of my stupid photos not coming out last week and that's got me all freaked out, but oh, well, I'll catch up eventually. Um...math. We had a test today. I think I did well on everything except TWO questions out of...what...25? 30? I don't even know, but yeah, I think I prolly got an A- or a B+, which is cool with me. And we had no homework! WHOOT!
OMG, AP Gov. was AWESOME! Not only did we go off in mini!tangents, but we actually discussed Rocky Horror for a few minutes! :DDD And Messick said she went to a live midnight showing in Cleveland with another teacher. How did we get on the topic, you might ask? Well, here's the line of thought: FCC-->censorship-->wardrobe malfunctions-->Janet Jackson-->Dammit Janet-->Rocky Horror. Seriously. LOVE LIKE WHOA. <3
Forensics was boring as Hell, as usual. Ben (the kid behind me) and I had a political conversation, which is hard for me because he has a stupid POV (imo, lol) and I kinda just wanna stop and be like, "DUDE! You're a fucking MORON! STFU!" (if he could vote, he would vote for McCain...). Yeah, he kinda annoys me sometimes.
We did pretty much nothing in MindCandy today. We chatted about scary movies and Halloween movies (yes, they're two different things, lol). We're gonna have a party on Thursday cuz it's the end of the first semester (ZOMF MY GRADES GAH SCARY!), so we're gonna pig out on snackage and we decided to bring in a movie, too! We settled on Nightmare Before Christmas (though I'm gonna suggest Beetlejuice and Hocus Pocus tomorrow...and maybe Goosebumps...). Who knows, maybe we can have a Halloween-athon later on.
Mom picked me up and we headed off to...uh...oh! We had to bring some paint to dad at work, so we got to see him! Which made me happy. I actually don't see him all that much anymore. Anywho, we gave him his paint and made our way to Kroger to pick up some groceries. Then mom got some lunch (I'd eaten at school) and got me a soda and then we came home. We were gonna go see a movie, but we *just* barely missed the 2:30 showing.
Speaking of movies, guess the fuck what? "W." is NOT PLAYING at our local theater. Big fucking surprise. Except, ya know. NOT. I hate the fucking conspiracy shit we have going on here. Anything with regard to religion (unless it's in blatent support of religion) or anything bashing Bush is not allowed to play for people cuz FRANK FORBID we actually have something INTELLIGENT playing in our local theater. So we have to travel about to find a place showing it cuz I REFUSE to miss it.
When we got home, we watched three episodes of "Samantha Who?", which mom and dad bought the first season of yesterday. It is HILARIOUS. I love it, LOVE it. The title of this post is from the show. I am just gonna wait til the rest of it is on DVD, though, cuz we watch enough TV currently already, lol.
We picked Nick up from the cafe by school cuz he wanted to stay after and chat up an old friend of mine, who he has, like, a huge crush on. *rolls eyes* I haven't seen her since 8th grade, but she was my friend at one point. So, yeah, somewhat strange. She's, like, two years older than him. Whatever, anyway, uh, I got a coffee and it was delicious. We watched another ep of "Samantha Who?" when we got home.
Gah! Then we watched Cash Cab and I knew, like, all the answers! :D I felt ultra-smart, lol. In two episodes, I only missed, like, six or seven questions total! WHOOT! It made me quite happy, lol. <3 Uh...hmm...oh! I've come up with TWO new ideas for stories; one's a murder story, another's a Jon/Stephen fanfic. I'll try to get the latter done quickly so I can post it for ya guys ASAP. I think you'll like it. ;]
Today is Columbus Day and we had to go to school. I must say, *ahem*, fuck Columbus. He was an ass who miraculously landed on a spot of land and claimed that it was the Indies. Fucking idiot. And he enslaved Native Americans and killed them with diseases and stole their stuff. So spread this around, guys: Christopher Columbus was a drunk who got high on hemp. It doesn't matter if it's true; it's truthiness.
That's about it, methinks...OH! We found out that a movie theater fairly close to us is doing a screening of Rocky Horror on Halloween night! I dunno if it's audience participation, but we're totally going cuz everything else is at least two hours away. If it's not audience participation, we'll just have to go to one that is in the future. Turns out it's in Texas. Fuck.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*
sleep: general,
holidays: halloween,
rl: grades,
family: bro,
family: mom,
tv: cash cab,
writing: general,
tv: general,
movies: rocky horror,
tv: samantha who?,
movies: general,
school: general,
politics: general