Hi There, I Am the Banana

Sep 24, 2008 16:33

Hello people!

I woke up a-fucking-gain before my alarm. But it was worse today: I first woke up at 5:20. I was like, "Okay, go back to sleep." Then I woke up at 5:47. Then 5:51. And then on-and-off for the next ten minutes until my alarm finally went off. I'm exhausted. And the weirdest thing? Every time this happens, I went to sleep earlier than usual the night prior. I usually stay awake til 12:30 or 1:00, but I've been goin to bed around 11:00, 11:30 lately. *shrugs*

Then, THEN, when Nick and I were heading out to go to school, we saw that mom's driver's side window on her car had been shattered! Fucking shattered! Whoever did it, they had a specific reason for it. They didn't take the GPS mom has lying in the open, they didn't take any of the expensive equipment she had in the backseat, they didn't take her gas card. All they took was a few CDs and some audio books from the library.

I mean, mom has a lot of valuable stuff in her car, and all they took was five CDs and two audio books. I don't understand why, nor do I understand why they bothered shattering the window just to leave behind what they did. I am glad that they didn't take anything else, however. Mom filed a police report, but it really scared me. I mean, either it's some douchebag kid from our neighborhood, or it's someone who...planned it out or something.

Suddenly, one of Nick's friends pulled up and was like, "Hey, Derf! Want a ride to school?" His friend had never done that before, but then again, this morning was a very strange one already. He offered to give us both a ride, so I climbed in and was super grateful cuz the bus is so crowded now that it's three-to-a-seat. *headdesk*

Unfortunately, Nick's friend BLASTED (and I mean fucking blasted) his music to the point that it really hurt my head, and that seriously doesn't happen unless the music is ridiculously loud. I'm all for blasting music, but it was scream-o-esque stuff and it gave me quite the headache, lol. Oh, well. I couldn't ask him to turn it down, I didn't even know the kid. I think it would've been rude to ask him to turn it down. *shrugs*

Photo was cool. We're learning that we're gonna do...um...I don't remember what they're called, but it's where you put opaque, translucent, and some other type of object, lol, on a piece of photo paper. Then you expose it to light and you can do layers, if you want, but I don't think I'm gonna. Then you develop it. It's REALLY cool and I think I'll post one once I've done one. I saw one of Jen's last year and it looks so bitchin.

We had evacution and lock-down drills today during math. So we only had a half-class, which is always good. Oh! And I got the quiz back that I thought I did well on, and I got a 20/20! :D I'm stoked bout that, lol. <3 We do have a test tomorrow, but we did a review last night and I got everything correct, so I think I'll do okay. AP Gov., we didn't really do much. We talked about Marbury v. Madison and...shit, something else...OH! The Preamble, which I love.

We have a test in Gov. tomorrow AND Friday. I'm really not looking forward to that at all. I think I'm gonna bomb. We continued working on the stupid chromatography scheiss today, which took the whole period, so...yeah. I sold 20 more candy bars today! :D And DUDE, my forensics class pretty much JUMPED me to get my candy, lol. They were like, "ZOMFG CANDY!" I sold...what...like, 12 bars in that class alone, if not more! HEHE!

The title of this post is from this morning's news. There was a prank at some school, though I don't think it's in Ohio, where these two kids dressed up as a gorilla and a banana, and the banana chased the gorilla across the school's football field during one of the games (it was half-time or something, no one was on the field). Well, the kids got arrested for it (the principal's a douche). When the news reported on the story and they showed the name of one of the kids, it said underneath this name, "Banana." Like, that was his title, lol. XD

MindCandy was fun. But GAH! One of my friends, Aleyna, said that someone robbed her house whilst she was staying after school yesterday. A 40-something man with a military-cut and a red sports car came to her house and knocked on the door. When he was sure no one was home, he went to the back of the house, kicked in the back door, put the dog in the bathroom, then started taking electronics out to his car.

He took Aleyna's computer (which is her life AND is a PC, so there's the monitor and ALL that crap that goes with it), her printer, her TV, her PlayStation, etc. And the neighbor watched the guy stealing this stuff and thought it was just one of Aleyna's friends coming over to chill until she got home. WTF?! What friend starts taking stuff out of someone's house in laundry baskets and is 40 fucking years old? That neighbor sounds like an utter moron.

Hearing that got me REALLY freaked out, especially considering what happened to mom's car this morning. *shudders* But Aleyna's okay and thanks goodness she stayed after school or she might've been hurt by this guy! Anywho, moving on. We wrote metaphors and euphemisms in MindCandy today and it was quite fun. Mr. Robbins is one of the most awesome teachers ever, lol. He's very funny. <3

Uh...oh, dad took the day off cuz of the incident this morning, so he and mom picked me up. We went home and I made some pizza rolls for lunch, which was delicious. Oh, but I told mom about what happened with Aleyna and she said that she doesn't want us staying alone in November when she and dad go to Florida for a week. That really annoys me for two reasons.

One, I'll be roughly a month and a half away from being 18 years old, and nothing will change in my maturity level in that amount of time. When I'm 18, I'll be able to do almost anything I want, so I should be allowed to stay alone for a week when I'm that close to being 18. Two, we'd have to have our uncle stay with us and I hate him. I know that sounds awful, but I really completely absolutely despise him. I don't want him staying with us. *guh*

We haven't decided yet if he's staying with us, so I'm gonna try my damndest to convince mom and dad to let me and Nick stay alone. I can't handle our uncle for a WEEK. So, it just came out today that Clay Aiken is gay. Is that sposed to be news? Cuz I think we all knew that. I mean, really? Come on.

Oh, and real quick: pushingarock and orbitaldiamonds, I burned your CDs today, but I can't stop at the post office for the right envelopes til Friday or Saturday, so they prolly won't actually leave the house til this weekend, just so y'all know. But yeah, they're done! :D BE EXCITED!

I think that's everything...

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

sleep: general, music: general, family: bro, news: general, family: mom, lj: pushingarock, lj: orbitaldiamonds, rl: general, school: general

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