You've Got Your Ball, You've Got Your Chain

Feb 09, 2008 01:43

Hello people!

Oh, my good reader(s), I feel as though I've let you (guys) down. I apologize for not blogging yesterday, but I had to finish a paper and help my brother with his - he was having a lot of trouble with citations and whatnot.

Let's say I owe you a blog. And I'm sorry I didn't post one sooner today (technically, yesterday); I was at *a* home & garden show (not *the* H&G show, there IS a diff, lol) from the minute I got outta school til 9:00 tonight, then went out for some food with my mom and didn't get home til 11:45, which is when I took a shower, lol.

Anywho, I shall try my best to go over what I missed yesterday and today (technically, two days ago and yesterday), lol.

I'm sure all of you already know that Mitt Romney has dropped outta the race. I believe the only contenders left worth mentioning are John McCain, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. Although she kinda creeps me out, I'm almost positive that Hillary Clinton's gonna win the whole Presidential race, lol. She seems to be the most popular, so, yeah.

Today, in Honors Chem, we watched this totally bitchin video on spontaneous human combustion! It was SO COOLY! People just burst into flames, but nothing around them caught on fire or was even damaged. The only consistency in damage was that TV's or phones in the room that the person died in somehow melted (even though they were almost always on the opposite side of the room). So awesomely intriguing, lol.

The H/G show was cooly, too. Kinda dull, a little annoying when this guy started yelling at my mom for some stupid mistake HE made, but other than that, it was fun. And then we went to Applebee's and got some delicious appetizers as our meal, and then some dessert. Then we came home and chilled. It was fun.

My interim (sp?) grades are pretty decent, which makes me SUPER happy! :D My mom was even happy with them (which is a SUPER rarity, lol)! So, yeah.

We planned our schedules for senior year today (or, at least, got the stuff to do so). I already knew every class I was gonna take and filled in my entire schedule DURING the scheduling period where Mrs. Hamilton rambled on about scheiss we already knew. Mr. Palazzo didn't even get there until there were only 8-ish minutes left in class, but he managed to suck up every last second and cram info we already knew into that little bit of time.

We started Macbeth today. Jeezus Chrizt, I freaking love Shakespeare, lol. Not romantically, of course, he was definitely NOT an attractive man, lol. But he was an AMAZERING writer and he invented so many words and phrases, he's just so cooly. If I could go back in history and meet anyone, I'd wanna meet Shakespeare. He's my hero from the past, lol. X]

Um...OH! Heath Ledger's death was ruled as an accidental overdose, which I really didn't expect. My mind automatically jumped to suicide; it's just something I do, lol. He took a prescribed drug with an over-the-counter drug and they just didn't mix in his body. So that's how he died. I'm sure you knew that already, too, but I wanted to mention it.

Just for those of you out there who watch Bones, it's returning with new episodes in TWO WEEKS! :D YAY! Can't wait!

Also, for those of you concerned with the writers strike, there are rumors (though I think they're quite plausible) going around about the fact that the strike is over and an agreement between the WGA and the AMPTP will be announced tomorrow (Saturday). I do have a small fear, however, that it is NOT over yet, and that we may have to wait a couple more weeks. Which is fine, I guess, I'm just anxious for it to end and the writers to get what they've been asking for (and totally deserve)! :]

Today, in German, Jen showed me the BEST VIDEO EVER (at least, I think it was you, Jen, lol). I'm sure you've prolly seen this already, but it's worth watching a million times over, LOL. So, I present to you, Censored Count Dracula:


If I think of anything else, I'll write about it, lol.

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

rl: grades, tv: bones, rl: wga, books: macbeth, internets: blog, authors: shakespeare

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