heaven or hell...?

Aug 09, 2012 17:43

love is magical, illogical, senseless and crazy. that's how it is supposed to be. you can never understand love, less to describe it in a few words or sentences. those fluttery feelings when you are with the person whom you fancy. those moments when you want to shout until your throat runs dry, when the heart spirals into a deep abyss, and how quickly the feeling of anger diminishes. it has our eyes shining with delight like a purring cat sitting in a sunny window, watching the world pass you by, nothing else matters but just the love.

but love is not for everyone. love is selfish and brutal. it altered how we behaved when we were in a relationship with it. it came into our lives without our expectations and left us before we knew so, leaving behind one thousand and one questions to be answered.

the baseless insecurity of if love is cheating on me behind my back? the endless tracking of the whereabouts? the constant plotting of interrogations to prove that love is lying through the teeth? the sleepless nights of waiting for a reply to the text messages sent? the relentless worries of if this love is gonna last? not forgetting the setting limitations to what can be done and what can't.

love feels like an extremely tedious, draining and stony-hearted affair. it destroys some of us, if not all, completely, bringing us down to our most vulnerable state. the pains that it bestowed upon us are beyond any words can describe. the destruction of our self-confidence and self-esteem is beyond apprehension. our worlds came crashing down mercilessly, taking out what seems to be fighting for energies left of us. it is literally hell. love can put us on cloud nine and banished us straight to external damnation.

so, maybe this is what love is all about? heaven and hell. do you still want it in your life?


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