Dec 31, 2011 17:20
as a tradition, i will dedicate a post to close a year and welcome a new year. this year, this post is just gonna be short, simple and sweet.
i am grateful to all my friends who have been around for me when i needed them most, and those who have walked in and out of my life too. regardless of which, i wish you happiness in 2012. while i remain contended with what i possess now, i am definitely looking forward to a better 2012 and what it has installed for me.
so, for those who are single, may you find love and happiness in 2012, and for those who are happily attached, be contended with your partner. there is no right or perfect person. learn to appreciate his flaws cause that's what makes him beautiful.
happy new year and have a great time getting smashed tonight!
happy new year