I would like to take a moment, on the 5th anniversary of chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006 (better known as the Massachusetts health reform law) to thank some of the people responsible for making it happen. (Some of these are people I know personally, having interviewed them for a paper in graduate school. Some, like Mitt, I know only by reputation
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Individuals (like me) can access insurance which is underwritten at community rates, instead of individual rates (individual rating-pricing insurance based on *your personal* health history-is prohibited in MA; all insurance is community rated, meaning the premium is based on the pool of people like you (mostly having to do with age; gender is also prohibited as a discriminator. The effect of age is, I trust, obvious; the effect of gender is less obvious unless you know that as a group, women "consume" more health care than men. Why that is so is a subject of lively debate. Film at 11).
Long-term effects are long-term (read: 20-30 years). Effects on health won't be seen for a while, assuming there are any (public health fact number one: very little of the health of a population depends on what medical professionals do, or don't do. Firing all of us and replacing us with robots will make people insecure, but if you then spend all of that money on things known to public health professionals to improve the health of the public, the numbers would reflect either no change, or more likely a small to moderate improvement. (OK, that may be unfair, but we are expensive for the effect we have on actual health statistics)). On the national stage, chapter 58 was the model for the Affordable Care Act. More importantly, from my point of view, it pulled the business of health care (the fact that it's fee for service all through, and has no mechanism for finding out how much, if any, good any of it does) off its pedestal, and made Jane/Joe in the Street start thinking about the fact that, you know, they really didn't know what they were buying when they went to the doctor, and maybe they ought to.
It's very, very messy. The optimist in me thinks we will, in the end, have a better, stronger health system. The pessimist in me says that we will have that only because we will try every other system first, to make sure it doesn't work. We're an example to the world, we are...
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