Jan 23, 2009 12:04
So today it occured to me, People need and deserve appreciation. We offer it to those we have a close personal attachment too, but how often is it offer to the stranger, the acquantance, the coworker, or even that nice kid that just served you a burger. Sadly, I suspect the answer is not nearly enough.
Having marvelled at the thought, and in conjunction with my theory that human behavior is viral, I decided to spread some appreciation.
I've known my current boss for years. We both started as raw n00bs on the MSN Call Floor many many moons ago. He went into Management, I went into Escalations, and Tech Rescue. Our friendship has remained in place through many changes and even no longer working together. In fact, I would not be working for the company I currently do, if it wasn't for my boss, specifically asking me to come join his team. Had it been anyone else, I would have laughed and told them there isn't enough money in the world.
But for him, Sure, I'm game. The man has my respect, and that's damned hard to attain from me, especially in Corporate Amerika.
So I happen to catch him on a smoke break, and I thanked him.
For what you may wonder, as he did. For simply being him.
Not for what he does, not for what he says, but just for being him.
The man is a cool cat, and I don't think he nor people around him stop and take the time to say "Thanks for being cool." It's just taken for granted far too often. He thanked me. I told him he was welcome, but if he really wanted to thank me, He would "Pay it forward". I suspect he will.
How about you?
Hope your not sad there isn't a video today.
If I could, I'd post Good Charlotte's Dance Floor Anthem, but no embed allowed. You can youtube it though. It's been movin my feet this morning. :D
Catch you on the Flipside, Afterlife kids.