Wishbone, the PBS series where an adorable Jack Russel Terrier acted out the plot of classics of literature and folklore in fairly elaborate costume drama? I was thinking about it, and decided to probe deeper on Wikipedia, "Where nostalgia meets lazy research." And man, that show did not soft-pedal the less child-friendly aspects of those stories. You can't choose Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc or Faust and not deal with it.
It's pretty awesome that someone got the green light when they pitched The Imaginary Invalid and Northanger Abbey (with a cute dog). I'm only being a little cynical when I wonder what they'd have done given entirely free reign. "This week, Wishbone learns you can't go home (without doing a bunch of coke) in Less than Zero." Or worse/better still, "Chasing cars takes on a whole new meaning in Wishbone's take on J.G. Ballard's Crash."
I'm teasing, but the best part is, they would've done it right.