Political Label Test

Jan 28, 2009 13:51

This is the first draft. Please give me feedback.


Determine your political label with this hypothetical situation.

Due to the poor economy, a man is laid off from his job, losing his health insurance. He then learns that he has cancer. Also, he is gay and wants to marry his partner. Should the government ensure he receives health care? Should it allow him to marry?

- No health care; no marriage. You are CONSERVATIVE.

- No health care; no marriage. Send him to prison if you catch him in the act of sodomy. You are REALLY CONSERVATIVE.

- No health care; no marriage. God gave him cancer for being gay. You are RELIGIOUS RIGHT.

- No health care; the government is not involved in marriage. You are LIBERTARIAN.

- Mediocre health care; no marriage. You are CENTRIST-REPUBLICAN.

- Mediocre health care; no marriage, but he can have a civil union. You are CENTRIST-DEMOCRAT.

- Good health care... but he's in prison just for being gay. You are CUBAN COMMUNIST.

- Good health care; civil union. You are DEMOCRATIC PARTY or WESTERN EUROPE.

- Good health care; civil union. Also, he wouldn't have been fired in the first place. You are FRENCH SOCIALIST.

- Good health care; marriage. You are PROGRESSIVE or CANADIAN.

- Good health care; the government is not involved in marriage. You are PROGRESSIVE INTELLECTUAL.


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