Jul 11, 2005 17:56
So i never recieved a metal after all. I knew my name was put in for one, but I guess it never made it far. Oh well. We had to get to the station at 7:15 to wait 30 freakin' minutes for the General to show up. He must have been pretti-ing himself up for us. Blah.
It was a long weekend. Unnecessarily long.
For the last few weeks, I've been coming in and out of awareness. And it's triggered by nothing significant. Like when the Beatles said "Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, somebody spoke and I went into a dream."
It makes it really hard to hold a confersation with someone, given that I already drift off as it is.
I read becca's blarg about me and it made me laugh. I also realized how said I was to lose the "Becca is ____" page. Stupid yahoo...deleted my site without asking me first. Where's God during all this??
Quote of the day (this was sunday, but it's good enough for two days)
"You are voting with your feet." - General McQueen