Jul 25, 2007 19:53
I had a shower this afternoon. First full-on wash (including my hair) for three days...It Felt SO GOOD. I love my work. They let me shower and I filled up all my water containers there, so haven't had to worry about the bowsers running out...it's also taken a bit of pressure off the local ones, which is good. I also managed to do some food shopping this afternoon as well. The menu in the Dock household for the foreseeable future is made up of things that don't create much washing up...work have said I can do whatever I need to for as long as I need to *loves WCT*.
AND, my house was on the national BBC news at 6pm! Small terraced house, big green shaggy hedge, empty water bowser :(
The emergency services and (although I never thought I'd say it) Severn Trent have been truly magnificent in some frekkin' awful conditions. You rock, lads.
Only thing is...it's supposed to piddle it down again tomorrow and then again over the weekend. Still, my upper lip is well and truly stiff (after a cry in the car this morning on the way to an appointment, but I personally put that down to PMT and a Loudon (sp?) Wainwright the 3rd song on the radio) so we can soldier on through, no probs. Incidentally, Rufus' dad is a much better singer than he is (sorry my entire f-list, but it had to be said...)
Off to make sandwiches for tomorrow, and the to bed to finish LoTR and sob my eyes out again. Odd how this re-read for the umpteenth zillionth time has made me weepy in places not usually a problem. I don't normally howl at the death of Theoden (in the book; I do in the film) but crikey, I did this time. Hubster just patted me fondly and handed me the tissue box. He's a good, good man.