My fingernails are stubbier than usual from gnawing on them, and I've bookmarked the BBC online news updates which is tracking the flooding changes. Tried to text you last night, but of course the damn phone won't behave. Just happy you're safe.
Well, we didn't lose power, thanks to the frekkin' INCREDIBLE efforts of the rescue services, but we came within two inches of it when the river peaked at 4am this morning. 2 more inches and half a million people would have been without power, on top of the 350,000 with no clean water. Does not bear thinking about.
And you could call me on the land phone...or we could Skype on Friday and you could listen to me whine while you book your tickets and then you could listen to me being wildly cheered up by this...*nagnagnagnag*
And you could call me on the land phone...or we could Skype on Friday and you could listen to me whine while you book your tickets and then you could listen to me being wildly cheered up by this...*nagnagnagnag*
I so need a bath :(
Are there any estimates when you'll have fresh running water? You'll probably have to run your lines for a while to clear them.
*takes poofy sponge and clutches it to chest, rocking gently backwards and forwards*
I can't remember; did you ever take a bath in the big tub when you were here?
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