Coo lummee...

Jun 03, 2007 15:41

...but it appears to be Sunday already.  When did that happen??  I had a whole week off stretching in front of me a...well..a week ago, but it doesn't seem to have been going that fast, right up until now.  It's been a lovely week (even taking into account the little matter of the Great Knicker Abandonment moment) but now I have to face up to going back to work again.  Sigh.  I've got a really busy week next week as well.  Double sigh.  I actually feel really chilled out after this week; doing what I want to in my own time has been both a novel experience and an enjoyable one.  I could be a housewife, really I could.  If only I didn't have those pesky bills to pay...

Any-hoo, we managed to get the dining room end of the sitting/dining room decorated and back together again over the last couple of days (we now have to brace ourselves and do the sitting room end next weekend), so we are now a slightly odd combination of colours.  Newly decorated end is a harmonic symphony of clotted cream colour walls and sort of milk chocolate coloured chimney  (it's me, of course they're foodie colours!) and the other end is still the rather grubby looking pale green walls and darker green chimney.  And yes, we DID need more paint and no, I didn't go back to THAT B&Q, I wussed and made Hubster drive to Cheltenham instead...He, incidentally, nearly drowned himself in the bath by laughing too hard when I confessed what I'd done.

It's been a day of firsts today as well.  I finally got to go pillion on the bike this afternoon and all I have to say to that is WOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!  I haven't been on a bike for ten years and it's like riding a, well, a bike really, in that it all came back to me.  Hubster got some Halford's vouchers for his birthday and so nobly donated them to the cause of his wife having something to hang onto on the bike (ooer!) so we have what are somewhat hysterically called 'love handles' which basically are handles on a belt that clips around the driver.  Great fun!  I felt very much at home, perched on the back there.  My thighs knew about it when we got back, I had forgotten that you control your position on the bike a lot with your leg muscles.  Combined with the horrendous bruises the step-ladder treads have inflicted on my shins, Dock Leaf Legs are feeling a little the worse for wear...

The other first has been that Grandad, 94 on the 12th of December, has sent me his first e-mail.  Awww...and no, he's NOT getting either my LJ name OR the LOM directions!!  The mind boggles at the very thought..

Oh, one other thing.  I've re-discovered the wonder of Planet Rock.  ACDC is good decorating music, although I did discover that I tended to 'air-roller' rather more than might have been productive.  Hey ho.
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