Aug 15, 2005 15:41
At the dentist, I had a slip of the tongue moment when describing my summer internship. Now it has occurred to me that you, my audience, do not know about the AKAs.
The six Bangor interns gave each other nicknames each with its own story. Matt - the frat guy - was AKA Lumberjack for his occassional anecdotes about working a week in a Lumber Mill. Preston - the rocker - was AKA Ms. the airport we gave our licenses all at once in order to check-in as a group. His long hair covering his face warranted the receptionist to ask Ms. Johnson to approach next. Preston approached and replied with his deep manly voice "Yo, I am a Mr. Johnson." Nick was AKA Pokey and Pokey Jr due to his mild hernia. Guess which was junior? Kimberly - well, she had no nickname because everyone hated her. Courtney was AKA Peacock due to our inability of pronouncing her last name, Pecquex. And...drum AKA is/was Julio due to my tan and spanish tape worm, Pedro. Now you, and the nurses at the dentist's office know of the AKAs.