OOC: LOG: ‘What...how...with the...and the teeth...’

Jul 17, 2008 23:24

Who: Ianto notjustateaboy and Owen docisin
When: The future.
Where: The Hub. In the future.
What: Present!Ianto finding himself in his future self’s place and having a mild heart attack when future!Owen comes on to him. Then smatterings of angst and aww.
Why: There was an opportunity there we couldn’t resist to take.

Ianto looked around still trying to get used to the place as a little boy waved bye to him. Gethin his name was seemed to be the boy he and Jack have will have had...only older. "Well at least I know its a boy." He replied although a smile did cross his face at the thought of that rambunctious 9 year old being his and Jack's. He sighed and sat down poking at the new computer system trying to work his way around the archives

"You just wait til' the birth", Owen smirked, moving to lean against the desk, not looking a day older than the Owen Ianto had left behind, hoorary for not aging. "You were called names in languages I didn't even know existed"

Ianto lifted his head before smiling looking at the empty space where the boy had been. "It'll be worth it." He replied before looking at Owen. "You must have enjoyed yourself that day.

"Oh yes", said Owen dryly, "Being strangled and told that I was 'The Man With All The Drugs' and to give up said drugs right now was a hoot"

"I meant more on the me being insulted part."

"Oh yeah, that was fucking fantastic", Owen beamed.

He rolled his eyes, "You would think that," he muttered looking at the screen, "Did you want something Owen, coffee?"

"'Course I would", Owen beamed, "You're an irritating bastard and you deserved it". He arched a brow. "Coffee? That what we're calling it now?"

"Oi I am not irritating, you're the one that offends aliens by looking at them...what else would we call coffee?" He asked confused standing up

Owen hopped onto the desk, sitting on the edge of it. "I do sodding not, I offend them by shooting at them", he said, then smirked, grabbing Ianto's tie and yanking the Welshman towards him. "I dunno, you're the one calling it coffee"

Ianto blinked as he was yanked forward, "What're you doing? Get off the desk, you'll have to tidy that up you know."

Owen's smirk widened as he pulled Ianto closer. "Make me", he challenged, before pulling him into a biting kiss.

Ianto's eyes widened in shock and he stumbled away feeling his mouth as he stared at him wide eyed. "What...how...with the...and the teeth..."

Owen blinked, then arched a brow. "What're you talking about we....", he paused, considered, then huffed, "Awww fuckit, that hasn't happened for you yet"

"What happened?!" He exclaimed putting the chair clearly between them.

Owen looked at the chair and laughed. "Oh big fucking argument that ended up being just the fucking part"

He paled and shook his head, "No it didn't you're making this crap up.." He replied his fingers holding onto the chair for dear life.

"No, really, I'm not", Owen grinned, "I can show you the dent we made on the photocopier if you like"

He stared at him stepping away "Why?"

"Well, you were to fucking impatient and thought the photocopier could hold my weight when I told you it couldn't..."

"No I mean why?" He replied waving his hand in between them.

"Oh", Owen shrugged, "Well, it got to a point where it was either that or killing one another"

He walked down the steps refusing to turn his back on him or to drop the proverbial soap. "Still...there's fighting and then there's..."

"Hate sex", beamed Owen, "At least we stopped arguing all the sodding time"

"I think I’d have preferred the arguing...what does Jack say. Oh wait what am I talking about Jack probably loves it."

Owen laughed. "'Course he does, and he's happy we're not smashing each others head's in anymore, that was really stressing him out"

He frowned, "Our arguments stress him out?"

"Um...yeah", said Owen, giving him an 'are you stupid?' look, "Of course they fucking did. Two people he loved at each other's throats all the time, wot do you think?". The doctor shrugged, hopping off the desk. "At least this way he doesn't get hurt"

Yes but it..." He looked away unable to meet his eyes.

"But it wot?", Owen asked, tilting his head up trying to catch his expression.

Ianto looked away" I dunno it's weird..." He replied blushing and going to the coffee machine.

Owen arched a brow, chuckling and following him. "Weird?", he asked, "Thanks a bloody lot, last time you were singing my sodding praises"

His eyes widened as he realised he was following before busying himself with the coffee machine. "But I...I don't sleep all willy nilly. I've turned into the Torchwood bike!"

Owen folded his arms, leaning against the wall. "I don't think you've slept with Gwen yet", he offered, then chuckled low, "Willy nilly? Fucking hell, I forgot how stuck up you used to be"

"I'm not stuck up" He replied with a sigh, "It's weird enough being in a polygamous relationship as it is," he replied with a sigh making the coffee. "So who else am I ...servicing?"

Owen made a 'tsk' sound. "Don't make it sound like a fucking job, you goit", he said, "And I don't make it a point of noting everyone you sleep with"

He handed him a coffee "There's that many?" He asked in shock

Owen took the coffe, sipping it. "I don't sodding know, I never ask you. We don't exactly make a point of having a conversation"

"So we just shag..and thats it."

Owen narrowed his eyes at him. "Wot, you expected a meaningful relationship?", he asked, "You wanted to keep it 'as it is'".

"I've never...All of my relationships have always been...always meant something...what's happened to me."

"I don't fucking know", Owen shrugged, "I'm just the bit on the side. Never said I was anything more anyway"

HE frowned "But...I mean didn't you want anything more? Didn't I?"

Owen shifted a little uneasily, looking at the ground. "You never asked me", he said, frowning, before pointing at himself, "Like I said, bit on the side. Never took it home with us"

"Oh..." He replied softly, a gentle frown on his face. "That's not like me a t al...frankly it sounds more like you."

Owen's face hardened, glaring at him. "I forgot what in insensitive wanker you could be sometimes", he said, scowling, "Always fucking talking like you know me inside out but never actually bothering to spend time finding out what I'm really like. Haven't really changed much"

Ianto frowned looking at him, "Owen it's not as if I've not heard of the multitude of shags you crow about, what else am I supposed to think of you?"

"Because I'm not fucking LIKE that", growled Owen, "Shit, Ianto, I got married, and hey, one of my spouses is currently fucking dead again and living in my computer, so you know what? Not in the mood for your crap"

Ianto frowned, "YOU got married?"

"Yeah", said Owen, showing him his ringed hand, "To Doyle and Tosh. Guess I'm not such a fucking heartless lethario after all, huh?"

He frowned softly, "I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"No you're not", Owen folded his arms, looking away, "You never sodding are when it comes to me"

"I ...I am I'm sorry." He replied reaching his hand out.

Owen blinked at his hand, before looking at him, a little mistrustfully.

"Owen I am.", He insisted

Owen frowned a moment longer, before shrugging. "Alright"

He sighed softly, "Why am I like this Owen? Just sleeping around?"

"I don't sodding know", said Owen, "Maybe Jack rubbed off on you"

He frowned, "I don't like it..." He whispered looking at his hands. "Are you...are you happy with things as they are?"

Owen shrugged, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his labcoat. "What I feel doesn't matter, you're not him"

"Then you can tell me can't you? If I'm not him."

Owen set his jaw, looking away. "Won't make a difference"

"Maybe not...but it could be practice for when you tell him."

Owen laughed harshly. "I'm not telling him sodding anything", he said, "He doesn't want to fucking talk to me"

"Have you asked him properly? Told him it's serious?"

"What part of 'he doesn't want to talk to me' did you not understand?", asked Owen, "Whenever I do, I'm told I'm 'spoiling the moment' "

"Well maybe not when you're mid coitus." He replied with a sigh. "But I mean...he can't be entirely that different to me can he?"

Owen frowned. "Yeah, well, once he's done he usually fucks off again", said Owen, then watched him, "I don't know, you never wanted to fucking talk to me in all the time I've known you"

He frowned, "That's because all you do is annoy me."

"So that means I'm not worth fucking talking to?", Owen shook his head, "Forget it, you're just the fucking same. You don't give a toss about me, I'm just a quick shag"

"No! I never said that. I just don't see the point in fighting all the time."

"Exactly, so it was turned into....", Owen scowled, glaring a hole into the floor, "My own fucking fault. Should have fucking well stopped it early"

Ianto frowned softly reaching for his wrist, "Please tell me."

Owen closed his eyes, setting his jaw in frustration. "I fucking fell for you, alright? That what you want to sodding hear?", he asked, still not looking at him, "Well now you have. Gloat-a-fucking-way"

Ianto sighed softly and took his hand, "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Owen moved to pull away. "No you're not"

"I am." He replied keeping a firm hold. "Owen I really am.

Owen stopped and looked at the floor. "Yeah, well you're not him"

Ianto nodded with a sigh, "But I will be....maybe you just have to get through to him. "

"I told you, he doesn't fucking talk to me", said Owen irritably.

"Then write to him, IM him email him, leave him a message on his phone, make him listen to you because maybe the reason he doesn't want to talk is maybe he doesn't want to face it himself.

Owen closed his eyes tiredly. "You don't realise what he...your like now"

"What am I like?" He asked softly

Owen sighed. "I dunno, you got more confident...too confident"

He frowned softly. "When did I start turning cruel? Was it more when I found out Jack wa pregnant for the second time?"

Owen blinked, looking at him. "....How'd you know about that?"

"Jack told me...he refused to tell me whose it was, he said that he had enough trouble the first time."

Owen frowned, looking down trying to ignore the lump in his throat. "Yeah"

He frowned softly, "Maybe its a reaction to that, tell me I'm hurting you”

"I really don't think bringing up Jack's pregnancy will help matters", Owen muttered quietly.

He shrugged softly, I don't know what else you can do>"

"Yeah", said Owen quietly, almost sadly, "Neither do I".

Ianto sighed softly, "I'll talk to Jack...maybe he can help sort something out, maybe talk to him or ...get him to take you seriously because Owen...I've been on the other side of this, in your shoes before now and I could never imagine ever wishing it on anyone else. I can't possibly have changed that much in ten years."

Owen sighed, closing his eyes, leaning against the wall tiredly. "Alright", he murmured, then gave a self-deprecating chuckle, "S'probably the last thing you want to hear, coming when you some from"

"Well I must confess it's the most disturbing thing I've ever heard..." He replied with a wince. "I can't even begin to comprehend it."

"Thanks a lot", he laughed, "Yeah, if the you I know's gone and tried it on with the me back then....", he winced, "I hope there wasn't too much blood"

Ianto thought back before wincing “Owen's not going to survive." He replied with a nod.

Owen laughed. "Nah, I'd just kick the shit outta summat then stew somewhere for a bit"

Ianto smiled softly before looking at him curiously. "So...I mean what made you...you always seem to find everything I do annoying. I don't understand how you did fall for me,"

"Jack annoys the hell out of me too", Owen pointed out, then shrugged, ducking his head, "I dunno. I'm a softie underneath all this cynicism and hate...fall in love too easy, I guess". He eyeballed him. "You ever repeat that and I'll kill you, use my powers as a physician to bring you back, then kill you again"

He smiled a little and nodded, "Hmm I do the same thing only with me...I Don't know maybe because I'm not used to it yet. I suppose this Ianto's a lot better but...I think I get a little jealous too."

"Wot, so instead of ranting you clean?", Owen teased with a gentle smirk, before arching a brow, "Jealous? Of wot?"

"Sort of." He murmured before looking at him with a sigh, "YOu're not allowed to say this to anyone or use it in an argument," he warned. "Or I will find someway to kill you." He looked at his hand. "Of you and him...A little I sort of feel envious that you'll get to spend eternity with him...you'll see more, live through more. Ultimately you will be the most important person in his life. The only one who can understand him. I'm just...I'll just be one of many blips in his life. I'm one of many now and I'm not even dead yet." He whispered softly.

Owen blinked at him, before his usual hard expression softened. "I....I'm sorry, Mate", he said quietly, before shaking his head, "You really are an idiot thinking like that. He loves you, Pet. More than anything in the world. You haven't got married yet, have you? You wait 'til you go through that...hell, I don't think a single person could have that much love for another being like he does for you"

He frowned softly, "Do you think so? I don't know I feel like it won't be long till he's married to ever person he's ever met," he whispered "And it doesn't feel fair. I was the one that had to go through being treated like a part-time...I was the one who went through that until he was at a stage where he wanted to live his life and have a relationship and now its like everyone's coming out of the bloody woodwork." The younger man sighed before watching. "Could he really love me that much?"

"Jack loves a lot of people", Owen shrugged, "But yeah, Ianto, he does, and he doesn't want to marry anyone else. He asked you, just you. I really don't get how you can't see how much he fucking worships you"

Ianto frowned softly and shrugged, "Can you be special if there's a million of you?" He asked gently.

"A million is a bit of an overstatement", he said, then frowned, looking away again, "And it's not like you're not loved, Ianto"

Ianto looked at him before his frown softened, "Its not me you're in love with it's whoever I am in ten years time."

"I wasn't talking about me", said Owen simply.

"Jack?" He asked before nodding to himself "I know." He replied looking at him, "You got married then?"

"That bloke really loves you", said Owen, then nodded, "Yeah, just last year"

He smiled and nodded pulling at his own cuffs. "I know...I am very lucky to have him." "Who to?"

"Yeah, guess you are", Owen chuckled, before smiling fondly, "Doyle and Tosh. Double teamed me, they did. Didn't stand a ruddy chance"

He smiled softly looking at him confused, "Did you bring a minister in here, to have Tosh in too?"

Owen smirked. "Things change in time", he said, "Plus, ya'know, Jack has 'contacts'"

"He brought an alien minister didn't he?"

"He.....yeah", Owen clicked his tongue, "His name was only pronounceable if you were a dolphin"

Ianto rolled his eyes, "Oh well, I bet it was lovely though."

"Yeah", Owen smiled fondly, "It was fantastic"

Ianto smiled, "Did you have a honeymoon?"

Owen considered. Then smirked. "We went to an exotic location of which we saw nothing of because we didn't leave the hotel room for a week"

"Didn't Tosh mind?" He asked

Owen gave him a long, steady look. "Tosh was the one that wouldn't let us leave the hotel room"

"What?" He asked confused watching him, "How?"

"You have met Tosh, right?", asked Owen arching a brow.

"Yes... but I mean physically how? She’s in the computer system"

Owen blinked. "OH!", he laughed, "Nah, she got out of that years ago"

"Oh...she did?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah", Owen smiled happily, "I mean, she's more like me now...with the whole weevil thing going on, but yeah...she's solid, and she's alive"

"Wow," he whispered amazed before smiling. "I've missed her," he murmured softly. "I used to talk to her."

"I know", said Owen, then smiled, a little sadly, "I missed her too, she was...is the best friend I've ever had"

He blinked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing", said Owen shrugging, "I just missed her when she was gone"

He nodded looking down at his feet, "I should probably go talk to Jack." He replied softly looking back at him.

"Prolly be an idea", Owen nodded.

He nodded, "Alright, lets see if I can fix this mess I'm going to get into" he murmured before sighing shoving his hands into his pockets and heading up to Jack's office.


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