In a delightful break from the norm, my boss has given me my paycheck a day early. This is in stark contrast to me usually getting them a week or so late, so I'm pretty pleased. With it, I also got my T4.
agemanda, remind me to ask the father-unit about taxery.
My first full-time paycheck as well, which will look miiiighty nice sitting in my bank account. This is assuming everyone does their best to keep me away from things like
this, or - heaven forbid -
one of these. I'm counting on you guys. I'm a maniac.
misfocus, you already know what I'm going to say. Aside from the fact that I actually remembered this year. Now, here is cake.
Oh, and I just talked to my boss. Guess where I'm going to be doing photography tomorrow? Oh yes sir.
You guessed it. That's fine, though. I watched The Shawshank Redemption last night, and today I'm feeling kinda like Andy Dufresne. Don't ask me to explain that, though.