Today marked the first day of shooting for The Morning After. Whoo dear. I have never even concieved of some of the angles that
Herr Directenkampf was using today, but rest assured that there were a great deal of them used. I may not know a lot about these so-called "movies" (I prefer the name "talky pictures"), but I'm assured that angles are in fact a good thing and I'm quite satisfied with that.
Also note that
Andy's interesting mix of
Pikey and Chinese accents yeilds slurred, confusing hilarity. He also needs to stop eating all
the god damn props, the ruddy wanker.
Exterior shots continue in the morrow. Now I need to get to sleep, so that I can get up nice and early to travel to tomorrow's shooting location. Oh, wait, that's here! I guess staying up and playing
badly translated korean RPGs won't be too out of the question then. I will also pay the sum of ten million sex dollars to (s)he who can properly pronounce the name of that game, as it really shouldn't be possible to. Is 'y' even a vowel in that case? How does one repeat a consonant? Whatever.
Having just watched The Wedding Crashers today, I realise what I should have asked for my birthday, and that is Rachel McAdams. I don't think we're too late to get on that, people. Or rather get on her. Ka-zing.