"There's nothing wrong with going nowhere, baby, but we should be going nowhere fast!")
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xzum0h_nowhere-fast-ellen-aim-and-the-attackers_music STREETS OF FIRE was a 1984 movie that sort of vanished somehow. It not only didn't make money, it lost lots and has hardly been seen since. I haven't watched it myself in lo, these many years and remember it as basically a real long MTV music video. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. The soundtrack was decent, with Jim Steinman (of Meat Loaf BAT OUT OF HELL fame) giving the music a theatrical quality that was almost operatic. There was one hit song by Dan Hartman, "I Can Dream About You", and for years I didn't know who he was... I thought the song was really by the guys in the movie.
Anyway, here's Ellen Aim going full blast, played by a 19 year old Diane Lane (not too hard to take in any way).
Oh, that's not enough. "Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young"
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31ctvg_tonight-is-what-it-means-to-be-young-streets-of-fire_music Okay, to be honest, the vocals were provided by Holly Sherwood. So you can think of Ellen Aim as a team-created character, like a Muppet.