One of the more bizarre and unsettling things attributed to Stalin (and that's taking in a lot of territory!). Evidently, these experiments never got anywhere but that was a long time ago and a lot of technical progress has been made. These days, I am not so sure what is actually impossible and what is just too expensive or uncertain to be practical.
http://dangerousminds.net/comments/the_truth_about_joseph_stalins_half_man_half_ape_super_army https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilya_Ivanovich_Ivanov I am by nature inclined to avoid conspiracy theories, mostly because it's like theology. The less evidence there is for something, the more certain proponents become. Once you dive down the rabbit hole of believing whatever suits your paranoia, climbing back out again is really difficult. Also, my dismal conclusion is that the world is such a mess because no one is running things behind the scenes. We have corporations and governments and military all trying to shove each other out of the way to claim as many goodies as they can for themselves with little to no co-operation. Still, if those experiments had developed some results, I bet the NFL teams would look impressive as hell today.